California Gold Rush "The discovery of gold in California created more winners than losers!" How far do you agree with this view?

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“The discovery of gold in California created more winners than losers!” How far do you agree with this view?

        Gold was discovered in America for the first time on 24th January 1848,by James Marshall & John Sutter at Sutter’s Creek in California. Word Spread fast about this finding, thousands flocked to the area and the gold fever had begun.

        However it wasn’t all that easy to get to California. There were three main ways of getting from coast to coast as most of the people were travelling from eastern America. First there was the “overland route”, a treacherous journey across the land. The “panama route” which was a sea route although crossing land at panama. Last there was “round the horn”, this was completely by sea and went round the cape horn. None of these were pleasant journeys although ones that many people would take in the hope of success and wealth.

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        The “Gold Rush” that began in 1848 certainly produced some winners such as the transport providers. These were the people who made the wagons and owned the ships. They could charge very high prices for their services as there weren’t many ways to get to California and these were desperate people. The People of California set up businesses in the creak as saloon bar owners, shopkeepers and tradesmen. Residents who already had businesses also thrived from this. The Government were not going to miss out on an opportunity like this either and made their wealth from taxes. At first when ...

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