GCSE Sources Assignment: Multicultural Britain

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Erin Baker          

Candidate Number: 8009

Highworth Grammar School For Girls

Centre Number: 61807

AQA Specification B

Summer 2003 Examination

GCSE Sources Assignment: Multicultural Britain

2. These sources show different perceptions of the Asian immigrants entry to Britain in 1968 and Enoch Powell’s views. Source D and E are both written in 1968 and directly feature this particular group of immigrants. They show views suggesting immigration during the late1960’s has grown too an unmanageable quantity.  Source G is written at a later date but can still be used as evidence about the attitudes towards immigration in the 1960’s.

    The least useful source to a historian would be Source E, although to say it is least useful is not to discard it.  The source is valuable as it was this speech that would have influenced newspapers and articles like Source D, a more useful source.  Enoch Powell was renowned for being a man of principle and was widely respected meaning his views would not have been cast aside and many people were influenced by them.  This quote therefore, is quite important because it shows the opinions the public were being subjected to.

    This source is not very reliable though as it is unclear why Enoch Powell made such controversial speeches.  The source only gives one view of the immigration problem, admittedly from a somewhat influential man but most people disagreed with him and papers condemned his speech. When considering the overall attitude when it came to immigration in the 1960’s this source is not very good evidence to a historian.  It does fit in with the historic events around this time, most importantly the Immigration act and the elections in 1970 in which Conservatives came into power, but on it’s own is not enough.  

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    Source D, in contrast, is a useful source that shows the type of unwelcoming attitudes being expressed in newspapers at the time.  The Daily Mirror generally supported the labour party, whom were in Government in this period.  Therefore the fact that the paper appears to be supporting the views of a leading Conservative figure is quite suggestive that support for Labour’s reasonably open attitude towards Immigration was failing to reflect those of the people.  It also suggests the reliability of the source, as the Labour supporting newspaper would have little reason to support the ideas of Enoch Powell ...

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