Politics Lost Analysis

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Mandi Nero


AP Gov. Spring Assn.

“Politics Lost” Analysis

        American politics has not always been at its best.  Through wrong and right decisions, it has taken a toll on our country, with either good or bad consequences.  Klein begins his first chapter with a man named Pat Caddell who addressed the issue of what polling really is.  He set up his own system by asking neighbors who they would vote for, Wallace or Kennedy.  He was surprised to find out through his research that “Wallace voters also were classic, gutbucket Southern populists, angry at the bureaucrats and stuffed shirts and big corporate guys and the intellectual elites who ran the show,”(26).  They only supported Wallace because they were angry with the way the country had turned.  Caddell later goes on to be known as “Mr. Prediction” because in 1968, he took information and tallied up who had won, and every one of his projections turned out to be right.  Caddell would later go on to work on Democratic presidential campaigns and be a public opinion pollster.  

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        One of Caddell’s first candidate’s to help was Jimmy Carter.  Klein explains “that it was love at first sight between him and Jimmy Carter…the liberal Southerner who could win the confidence of Wallace voters,”(32).  At a dinner party after the New Hampshire primary, Carter “was blistered by the assembled liberals for not being more vocal in his opposition to the Vietnam War,”(37).  In saying this, he upset them for talking in that manner.  But it was a new start, and everyone still followed him through.

        Caddell helped to change the way that presidents would be elected in the future. ...

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