The House of Commons

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To be a watchdog in the House of Commons means that MP’s are vigilant and they scrutinise the executive effectively, However to be a lapdog in the House of Commons means the MP’s are loyal and obedient to their party and its leaders in the hope of promotion prospects. The House Of Commons is made up of 646 MPs who are elected to represent individual constituencies. The effect of this is that MP’s tend to be elected and re-elected by serving the interest of the majority within each constituency, however this tends to ignore the fact that all constituencies contain minorities of some kind i.e. racial, religion, class etc. who’s interests tend to be ignored.

The house of commons is responsible for scrutinising the activities of the British government, this is to examine weather the government has exceed its authority or abuse its power, this demonstrate the fact that the house of common can be described as a watchdog carrying out scrutiny on the government.  However the problem is that Britain’s unwritten constitution means that the limits of the government’s power is not explicit, but as a matter of interpretation. Which always turns out to be in favour of the government e.g. the fact that all members of the British government are drawn from the legislature means that there is conflict of interest between parl and govt. There is widespread ‘careerism’ among MP’s whereby they quickly realises that if they want to make a difference then they need to have a degree of political power. However this can only achieved as a member of the government consequently most MPs are seeking to be promoted into the government. The way to guarantee these promotions etc is to demonstrate ‘loyalty’ to the government, this point can also demonstrate the fact that the house of commons can be described as a lapdog, in the hope of gaining some degree of political power.

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Party loyalty is justified on the bases that almost all MP’s are elected on party label, rather than on their own individual census.  This loyalty is, due to the stringent system of party whipping and strong party loyalties apparent in the contemporary British political system, it is almost certain that government MP's will follow the courses of actions favoured by their party, whether in standing committees, or similarly in votes on bills in the House of Commons, rather than risking harsh disciplinary action as is often the case which includes threats i.e. exposure of MPs private life, the threat ...

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