However in theory we are a liberal representative democracy but in reality we are and elected dictatorship. I.e. Tony Blair.
The UK system can allow the public to influence decisions or issues by using referendum.
This suggests to us that the people are voicing there right to freedom of speech that defines a democracy and therefore this prevents total dictatorship. For example; in Iraq.
The majority of the people adopted the 1997 referenda, Devolution to Wales. This shows us that the government does listen to the demos by passing this law. However the law was passed to prevent the government become stuck in political deadlock and to also secure votes for the next election. This means that the government can set the boundaries for the yes and no vote to their suiting. So therefore if the government do not wish to pass a law they can set the yes vote at a high percentage making it harder for the public to win. This is a case of political manipulation.
Lastly within the parliamentary system the government is responsible to parliament. This means that any decisions which need to be made has to go through parliament and parliament represents the people.
However the government exercise excessive control over parliament. This done by the government using whips to influence the deciding vote of the parliament. This therefore in reality makes the voting un-fair and bias.
Finally, to a lesser extent I believe that the UK is a liberal representative democracy for many reasons.
One being that the government is not bound by a superior but by entrenched consistusion. So therefore this suggests that the government can right there own rules and laws which goes against a liberal democracy where the demos has civil liberties. This means that if the government want to pass a law they have the power to do so single handedly or by using the whips. To an extent this could be in the publics best intrest however in reality its in the peoples best intrest who are going to win their votes.
Secondly, the UK citizens do not enjoy an entrenched bill of rights. This explains to us that although we, the people have rights, we only do because it is not written down under law that we don’t. So therefore these are negative rights and reflect back on weak governments.