Describe and evaluate Bowlby's theory of attachment.. 10 marks

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Describe and evaluate Bowlbys theory of attachment (10)…

Bowlby believed that babies have a biological need for an attachment with an adult carer (most often the mother), this is a biologically mechanism as it keeps the baby close to the mother for survival this would be done by both parent and child. The attachment instinct promotes survival in three ways: keeping the baby close for food and protection; to provide a safe base for exploration; also to help form future relationships with stranger (e.g. by introducing the baby).

Bowlbys theory came under five sections, Firstly ‘Monotropy’ this is the belief that infants form one very special attachment with their mother. This special intense attachment is called Monotropy, if the mother is not present the infant could bond with another ever present adult (mother-substitute) an example of this is when the child is in any social situation, it will only smile and make contact with the person it has this intense bond with.  Secondly the ‘Critical Period’ this is when babies have to form the attachment with their caregiver during a critical period, this is between birth and 2 ½ years old. Bowlby said that if this didn’t happen the child would be damaged for life socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically, an example of the child not being able to bond is neglect, if the child is constantly left alone or palmed off on to different random people the child wouldn’t be able to connect with anyone (this would be from birth to 2 ½ years old). Thirdly is ‘Privation’ when a child does not form any attachment with any significant person it is known as privation, for example children that have been placed in many different foster home or children who are neglected by their parents and experience no love or car (e.g. Genie).

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Fourth there is ‘Deprivation’ this is when a child has formed an attachment to a care giver, but this attachment is broken through separation deprivation. Bowlby said children experience deprivation if they are separated from a caregiver for a week or longer in the first five years of their life another name used is ‘Maternal deprivation’ this can cause  children to be clingy or over demanding, may develop a phobia about going out or to school. Those who experience maternal deprivation were more likely to become ‘affectionless psychopaths’ this could happen with children who had been in hospital, parents have ...

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The writer clearly demonstrates good knowledge of Bowlby?s theory and the associated terminology. Key aspects of the theory are very well described. The only development point I have is to include some examples to illustrate the points made regarding the evaluation of the theory. The writer states there is evidence that children can form multiple attachments ? what is this evidence exactly? There are a few odd grammatical errors, so please do read through the finished piece carefully to eliminate these. The writing style was good overall. 4/5