Discuss issues with biological therapies
Biological therapies arise from the medical model of abnormal behaviour: mental disorder is an illness which results mainly from a chemical imbalance. Biological treatments are designed to redress this imbalance, through the administration of chemical drugs known as chemotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and, in rare cases, psychosurgery. As well as mental disorders, the biological approach also gives an explanation and treatment for stress and the role of stress management. This approach also shows the link between stress and the immune system. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are also explained by the medical model. Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to treat mental disorders. For example anti-anxiety drugs consist of a class of drugs called benzodiazepines and minor tranquilliser designed to reduce levels of anxiety. These include Librium and Valium which were introduced in 1950s, and soon became the most prescribed drug in the world. However, the side-effects include drowsiness, dependence, withdrawal and toxicity
However, benzodiazepines have been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and panic. Gelernter and found them to be more effective than a placebo for social phobia and Lecrubier found that 60% of patients with panic disorder remained free of panic while on medication.
Antidepressant drugs are classified as stimulants, and were also introduced in the 1950s. As well treating depression, they have been used in the treatment of panic disorder, specific phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder and eating disorders. These drugs include monoamine oxidase inhibitor, tricyclics, tetracyclic such as Prozac and serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Again, there are side-effects to using the drugs. MAIO’s require adherence to a special diet. Amine rich food must be avoided and continuing eating these foods causes cerebrum haemorrhage. Both MAIO’s and tryclics are associated with the heart block, dry mouth, blurred vision and urinary retention. Tetracyclic drugs like Prozac are also not free from serious side-effects, including impairment of sexual function and abnormal aggression.

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Peer Reviews
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Quality of writing
The Quality of Written Communication here is excellent. There is a successful handling of many tricky punctuation points and an accurate spelling of very specific psychological lexis.
Level of analysis
The Level of Analysis here is exceptional. A high quality of appropriate knowledge has been presented in this essay with the use of field-specific terminology and an adept use of language to convey the candidates' points clearly and with effective insight. There is an excellent introductory paragraph about the definition and explanation of biological treatments and which are the most common, as well as how biological psychologists might view psychological disorders and thus how they might treat them (drug therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, etc. in order to change the biology of the sufferers). There is an in-depth discussion about the issues of ethics (mental and physical harm/right to withdraw) of treatments like ECT and how drug treatment may be seen as practically difficult due to the stigma of being reliant on drugs and the possible side-effects of regularly taking medication (side-effects may cause the patients to stop adhering to prescribed regimens - this could've been made more explicit). The candidate could've also mentioned, if they wished to strengthen their answer further, that addiction is a problem for drug issues, and thus possibly prolonging the belief that the patient requires the treatment.
Response to question
This essay orientates itself around the issues both ethical and practical, with biological treatments for psychological disorders. The candidate has successfully addressed a wide variety of biological treatment therapies and drawn on an appropriate selection of evidence in the form of psychological studies to give further strength and developmetn to their response.