Learning Revision Notes. Important terms and major experiments

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Learning Revision Notes


        Is a relatively permanent change in behavior which is due to experience

Classical Conditioning

A form of learning in which an automatic response becomes associated with a previously unrelated stimulus

Ivan Pavlov (1990s)

Studied dogs

The dogs began salivating every time they heard the researchers’ footsteps. Salivation is a REFLEX response; it occurs automatically when an animal smells food but Pavlov found that the dogs associated the sound of footsteps to the arrival of food because the two stimuli had occurred together so many times.

He figured that he could get his dog to respond to other things too. So, he conducted an experiment. Everytime the food arrived, Pavlov ringed the bell. Eventually he took away the food and only rang the bell. He found that the dog still salivated.

Unconditioned stimulus: food

Unconditioned response/ natural reflex action: salivation

Conditioned stimulus: Bell

Conditioned response: Salivation

John Watson and Rosalind Raynor (1920)

        ‘Little Albert’: created ethical concerns. They intended on extinguishing his fear but the boy was taken away before they could.

Unconditioned stimulus: loud noise when metal bar struck

Unconditioned response/ natural reflex action: fear

Conditioned stimulus: white rat

Conditioned response: fear

Little Albert was not initially scared of the white rat but when the conditioning began, every time he had the white rat, a metal bar was struck close to him and that caused a fear response. Therefore, whenever he got the white rat, he was scared to play with it. A new stimulus-response link had formed. This experiment raised ethical concerns because the behaviour was going to be unlearnt but Albert was taken away before.


This is when the conditioned stimulus no longer creates the conditioned response. In other words, the conditioning has been removed and the actions have been unlearned.

For example, in ‘Little Albert’, the boy would be given the rat without the loud noise so eventually he won’t shows signs of fear and his fear response has been extinguished.

Spontaneous Recovery:

Even though a behavior has become extinct, it might not have been forgotten. Pavlov found that after a delay, when the dog was presented with the bell, the salivation came back even though the conditioned response had been apparently extinguished.


Generalization is when the response is also triggered by a stimulus similar to the original one. Watson and Raynor found that little Albert was also scared of rabbits and of cotton wools.


Even though the generalization has taken place, it can be discriminated if the unconditioned stimulus is only presented with the conditioned stimulus. So in Pavlov’s experiment, the dog only gets food when the original bell is sounded. Pavlov found that by doing this, the dogs only salivated to the original bell.

Operant Conditioning

        learning which occurs as a result of reward or punishment.

The Law of effect:

        Behavior which leads to pleasant consequences will become ‘stamped in’ and behavior leading to undesirable consequences will become ‘stamped out’.

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Edward Thorndike (1898)

        Studied cats

Found out that a hungry cat could open a latch in order to escape from a box and reach some fish outside. At first, the cat hit the latch accidentally while running around the box to get out but every time it was returned to the box, it needed lesser time to run back out. This supports the Law of Effect.

Kohler (insight learning)

Put chimpanzees in cages and they had sticks to get the fruit outside.

These principles were tested by B.F. Skinner (1938)

Skinner devised a Skinner box with ...

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