1. Describe the wedding ceremony in a Methodist Church 2. What importance do the wedding vows hold for Christians?

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1. Describe the wedding ceremony in a Methodist Church

The ceremony begins with the couple standing together at the front of the Church; there must be at least 2 witnesses present for the ceremony to proceed.

There is then the declaration of purpose, where the ministers speaks of the importance and purpose of marriage as being the lifelong union between a men and woman, and as the proper place to bring up children.

The legal declarations follow, where each person declares that they know of no lawful impediment why they may not be married.

At this point, a hymn may be sung and prayers are said.

Next is the Ministry of the Word, where the minister reads passages from scripture, relating them to love and marriage. The address then follows.

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The vows then take place. Everyone stands, and the minister says to the groom: “Will you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together according to the Law of God in the holy estate of marriage? Will you love her, honour and keep her, and forsaking all others be faithful to her so long as you both live?” The groom answers “I will”, then the bride is asked the same question.

The man then says to the woman, “I [name], do take thee [name] to be my lawful wedded wife, to have and to ...

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