A study of the attitudes of Roman Catholic, Methodist and Anglican churches to homosexuality.

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A study of the attitudes of Roman Catholic, Methodist and Anglican churches to homosexuality.

Homosexuality is defined as the presence of a predominant and persistent psychosexual attraction towards members of the same sex. The term homosexuality has only been used since the 19th century. The three churches I shall be looking are the Catholic, Anglican and Methodist churches. All three churches look to the bible for their teachings on a range of topics since all three churches are Christian. The English term homosexuality was invented in 1892 to translate the German word used by psychologists to describe what they understood to be a pathology or psychological imbalance. A long time ago before modern science techniques, the three churches thought of all homosexuality as a sinful thing. They took at the time that homosexuality was only an act and that the person can be held responsible, as shown by St. Paul when he was writing his letters he only thought that there was an act and that homosexuality was a product of people committing idolatry. All three churches took this on and thought this was true.

Until modern science, psychology revealed that it was rather orientation, people can have natural homosexual tendencies and so cannot be held responsible for that. With new science the act of homosexuality was changed form when it was thought that a homosexual was responsible for having that condition and they chose to participate in the act. But now days with new science people believe that it is orientation that causes homosexuality, i.e. the person is born with the homosexual orientation, and so cannot be held responsible, which cannot be changed and is fixed. The orientation can then be divided into nature and nurture. With in nature it is about genetics, it is a biological truth. In the past few years' scientists have been looking for the gay gene, which has supposedly responsible for homosexuality, and on the other hand there is nurture i.e. the way you were brought up. It is often been shown that a troubled childhood can lead to homosexuality as well as the absence of the father, together with social depression as another cause. Homosexuality is unconditionally rejected as not christianly legitimate either as orientation or a genital expression. There has been an important shift in the churches thinking on homosexuality in the past few years, in recent years there has been the introduction of the homosexual condition or orientation. Which has come about through modern science. In the past church attitudes towards homosexuals were hostile particularly to the people who were open. They have taken homosexuality as a medical model. It is not so much that homosexuals commit horrible sins as such, and through no fault of their own since they have a tendency to perform such acts. A distinction can be made between act and orientation. According to G. Moore "this relieves people burden of guilt for and having homosexual tendencies. If having these tendencies is properly thought of analogous to a medical condition, like a tendency to come out in spots or develop fevers, then you are not blameworthy for having them."(Reference a).this shows that it is rather orientation as opposed to act when talking about homosexuality. With psychology, and in new modern science, the act of homosexuality has been replaced by orientation, someone can have that orientation under no fault of their own, sexual orientation is said to be fixed by the age of 5 and cannot be changed during adulthood.

The traditional unacceptability of homosexuality from the view point of the church is better understood more straight forwardly, such activities as homosexuality, are to the Catholic Church break the complementary of man and women put forward by natural moral law also it undermines the teaching that sex should be with in a stable relationship through marriage.

Presently there is no consensus on the causes of homosexuality According to Macquarrie there is four factors about orientation, the first is that the orientation become fixed in early childhood, by aged 5, people are neither homosexual or heterosexual, the effects to change the orientation in adult hood would not have a lasting effect, and that homosexuals will experience behaviour problems stemming from social oppression for instance. (Reference b)

After that the three churches ordered studies into homosexuality and what causes it. As a result of this the Methodist and Anglican changed their views on homosexuality, but the catholic churches remained on its existing teachings. The Catholic Church responds to changes very slowly, the Methodist has a more modern feel, they respond to changes when needed to do so and also they are a relatively new church.

All three churches take their teaching from the bible. They all will go as far as to say that the homosexual act which a person commits cannot be held responsible for the act because to some extent they all accept the new scientific data on homosexuality to say that a person can have a homosexual orientation, it is neither changeable or is it chosen. This means the churches believe that the person cannot be held responsible since they have the orientation naturally and cannot be changed. Within the Methodist church you have liberals and conservatives. The only way the three churches differ is in their interpretation of the scriptures. The Anglican and Methodist churches are protestant and so they are more bible based than the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church uses natural moral law, scripture, tradition and the Magisterium to come to a decision on issues and teaching. Compared to the other two churches the Catholic Church uses tradition. I will address the differences in detail with the three churches later in this essay.

The relatively few biblical references dealing with the subject do not treat homosexuality as an orientation but rather refer to certain types of homosexual acts.

Since all three churches uses the scriptures from the bible this would be a good place to start. I will be giving first what the modern exegesis would be for the stories, than when I mention each church I will include their view to scripture mentioned. There are relatively few passages in the bible that deal with the subject of homosexuality. In the passages they describe different types of homosexual acts. They all appear to have a negative view to same sex expression. The most famous reference used from the bible is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19) (reference c). A fundamentalist Christian would look at the story and say that it is a clearly saying that homosexuality is wrong. If you also look at the chapter before, (genesis 18) you can see that the same two strangers visited Abraham, who offered them hospitality, gave them everything, with contrast to Sodom where the people showed in hospitality towards the strangers. Abraham's nephew put out hospitality to them, this is why his family was the only one saved. The story mainly shows about hospitality and how you should treat others, in Sodom the men where going to degrade the strangers status to that of a women. It does not show adherence of homosexuality, but about hospitability of visitors.
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You can then turn to Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, two verses that are essentially identical; they are both condemning men with other men. This may not be what it seems because in the Hebrew language there is no word for homosexuality. The term was first used in the 19th century. If you were to look at Leviticus verses you would think they were saying that homosexuality was wrong. But at the time the term was not used. It is saying that if you take the role of the women, then it is wrong. It is saying that it ...

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