A01 - Explain What Christians Believe About Their Responsibility For Other People

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Oliver Webster                Coursework A01

Christians learn about their own responsibilities from the bible. The bible portraits what Christians should do for their fellow man. Jesus said and wrote two greats commandments. These are:


These are the most important commandments that Jesus lays out to the disciples, Christians and others too.

        They also learn about their responsibilities from the early church and the modern church teachings. They can learn their responsibilities from the modern church by going to church and listening to the priest and find out what they can do to help one another. It could simply be helping a brother or sister in something or helping a person of another race and taking care of them like in The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). The Good Samaritan helps a Jew and takes him down to the nearest inn and pays for him to stay there. This shows he is a loving and caring person. Jesus recognises this and rewards the Good Samaritan. The person the Samaritan helped is most likely to be a priest or a person of the religion but no it is a Jew somebody less likely to get help by a Good Samaritan.

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        We all as Christians have a duty to strive for the common good. Christians in developed countries should have reverence for the marginalised and seek not just to improve to improve their condition but to bring about equality to those in developing countries.

        The laity (priests) are travelling messengers of Christ. The teach Christians to make good use of what god has created. Spread the word to everyone. Spread the word every Jew they see in the street. Offer services to parishes. All of these are some of their responsibilities. All Christians should be charitable and give some of their ...

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