A03: "Children cant be disciples so they cant be Christians either."

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A03: “Children cant be disciples so they cant be Christians either.”

Do you agree?  Give reasons for your answer, showing you have considered more

than one point of view.

I have been asked to answer the following question: “Children are too young to be disciples?

 I must look at both sides of the story and draw up a conclusion. My piece is as follows.

Children are too young to be disciples, some may agree and others disagree I believe children are too young to be disciples. They are naive, immature, too innocent, pure, they have lack of knowledge, they cant understand the way in which the world works and its wonders. The list is endless. In today’s society the (21stCentuary) children are particularly preyed upon, not only by adults but by other beings as well. In order to carry out Jesus’ message I believe only those with valuable experience of life should be given such a privileged service as they would have common knowledge which is greatly appreciated in today’s world. In the papers we read of stories where children have displayed signs of trust where the trustworthy person has taken advantage of the situation and abused the child one of the most recent cases is the (Huntley case and Maxine Carr where they abused the trust of two young teenage girls and in the time they abused the girls ,they killed them in cold blooded murder .from my own personal experience I believe that the 21stC is the most notorious time to be brought into the world. Drug related crimes have risen, more drugs are available on the market. More people are breaking the law with: car crime, petty theft, robberies, theft etc. I think that if a child were to spread the word of god through oral tradition I think that the older generations would not believe the child and that they would be like the seed that fell “on rocky ground, The seeds soon sprouted but because the soil wasn’t deep enough (it was only a child that delivered the message. Not someone “important”) “when the sun came up it burnt the young plants and because the roots had not grown deep enough the plants soon died… Meaningas soon as they hear the message they receive it gladly. But it does not sink into them,(because they were told by a child which means the message was not important?) and they don’t last long with the message. So when trouble fear or persecution comes, along they give up in the message.

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This does not apply to all. Some people may disagree and say that children aren’t too young to be disciples. Children are innocent, angelic, peaceful, and have a different interpretation on life and thins to do with life, which is a refreshing new insight into life. In today’s world there are many ways to communicate and children are up to date with hthe latest technologies around, internet, TV, mobile telephones etc .Jesus uses many examples of children in his stories.(Jairus’ daughter, probably the most remembered story of a child in the gospel). When children get confirmed they ...

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