Some religious fundamentalists Christians believe that if a baby is not baptized then when they die they will go to hell. Therefore they are against abortion because the unbaptized child will go to hell. I think abortion should be allowed in extreme cases only but people might argue that it is up the woman what she does with her life and her body.
The Church of England- they said in a report in 1984 ‘the fetus is to be specially respected and protected’. The Church of England don’t agree with abortion because it is killing another human, but they are ok with abortion only in very serious cases like the pregnancy happened through rape or incest because rape is not the will of the victim to conceive and insect is morally wrong. The Church of Scotland- they came to the conclusion in 1987 that abortion has no moral justification and represents the killing of human life. That only counted for the majority of not serious cases. The view of the Protestant churches is that it is unwanted, but that it is acceptable in some circumstances, but those are not always clear but mainly again incest, rape and if the child were to be badly disabled and not have much of a life.
Double effect is when a mother who is having a child has a serious illness (cancer etc) and if she were to have the baby it would kill the mother and might kill the baby. The Catholic Church agrees that if the birth of the baby would cause the mother to die it if wanted could be aborted.
Contraception is birth control used for the prevention of pregnancy. There are many ways to try to prevent pregnancy when you are having sexual intercourse. Some are much more effective than others are. They include the use of hormone medications, contraceptive devices, periods of avoiding sex, and surgery. What follows is basic information on these methods.
There are many different types of contraception these include condom, vasectomy, coil, spermicides, diaphragm, cap, contraceptive sponge, the pill, morning after pill, depo provera, Norplant, withdrawal and the rhythm method. There is one more this is the one that the Catholic Church agrees with this is the billing ovulation method. This is when the woman is trained to know the days when she is infertile. The Catholic Church aren’t against this because it is completely natural, doesn’t damage the body and society and they believe that God has given us a built in form of birth control and that we should use it.
At one time all the Christian Church’s taught the same about contraception, but now it has all changed. The Protestants accept artificial contraception because, many people are becoming concerned about the increase of the world’s population and see contraception as a way of controlling it. The development of new contraception means that using it doesn’t get in the way with making love. Many Christians feel that there is something selfish about a married couple who has already decided that they will never have children. Protestants today see no problem with contraception to limit the their family or wait until they are ready to have children.
Most people don’t do what their religion says and tend think about them selves first. Some people go out with groups and strike against abortion to try and cut down the number of abortions. Many feminists think that people should have the right to ask for and get an abortion up to the moment of birth with no questions asked. A good point is that women should have the to control their own bodies, and if they make a mistake its their own fault. I think also to cut down the number of abortion and to get more people to listen to the church Catholics should provide more things to encourage people not to have abortions like to bring adoption into the spotlight. They should also teach people more abort abortion and more about birth control. We should listen to the church because if we do we could have a better after life, not get STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases), not cause damage to our bodies, not break any of the Ten Commandments. Like thou shalt not commit adultery or murder and be able to save a lot of money using the natural method of contraception also if we do follow the church it could mean better after-life to determine weither we go to heaven or hell. We shouldn’t listen to the church because women should be able to do what ever they want to their bodies. If we buy artificial contraception we won’t have to wait for the women to become infertile and people can have an abortion if they became pregnant through rape or incest because they wouldn’t want to give birth to a rapist’s child.