This informs us that God made humans to be like him. Therefore, we must have significant importance.
“Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air…and every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”
This subsection represents that God made homo sapiens with a purpose; to guard and maintain the earth. We have authority and responsibility; our lives are imperative and in the hands of God, not inferior humans.
Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you: I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
This tells us that God knows us before we are conceived; we are destined to be born and have our roles appointed to us before conception.
Isaiah 49: 15-16 “Can a woman forget her child, that she should have no compassion on the on of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have graven you on the palms of my hands, your walls are continually before me.”
This explains sufficiently that if a mother has an abortion, she will never forget it and will live a life of pain and regret.
Exodus 20:13 “You shall not murder.”
As it has been clearly put, you shouldn’t kill anyone; abortion could be entitled a murder, therefore it must be wrong.
As previously mentioned, God deems humans the top of the ladder; if he treasures the life of a sparrow, his consideration of a human life must be colossal.
Other Christian Teachings
The Roman Catholic Church has always declared its opposition to abortion. In the Didache, it mention that it is forbidden to have an abortion, or to kill a new born, “You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb.
The Modern Catholic perspective is life instigates at conception; when the sperm and the egg fertilise together and genetic material is created.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that respect to human life is mandatory and it must be protected from the time of acknowledgement of pregnancy. A definite proclamation is, “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.”
Ways In Which Christians
Might Put Their Beliefs Into Action
The churches could hand out leaflets to woman, which explain the possible consequences of abortion. For example the woman might not be able to conceive again if she has an abortion. The woman could suffer from post-abortion syndrome. The advantage of having a baby could be also added onto the leaflet, to persuade women not to abort. Christian Hospitals or Christian women’s clinics could keep free brochures for women who attend the clinic; whether she should abort or not. This could also consist of advantages of having babies and addresses or telephone numbers where aid for pregnant is available.
Christians could hold protests to reduce the amount of abortions per year. This will increase awareness of the amount of foetuses killed per day or year.
Churches could hold funds for women who don’t have the money to have the baby. If churches could provide women with this, it would decrease the increasing rate of abortion. The churches could also arrange accommodation for the women, if they’re going to be single parents. This would be reassuring to the woman, as she would then want to bring up her child in the right environment. Therefore they would have one less worry on their mind during the period of her pregnancy.
Adoption agencies could be held through the church, or the churches could have links with them. If there is a woman who attends Church and is considering abortion, she could think about adoption instead.
If the actual pregnancy is the worry, then contraceptives could be promoted in Church or other places of Christian worship/meetings.
My Thoughts On Abortion
My view is that abortion is only right when the life of either the mother or the child is at jeopardy. If neither life is at stake, then I stand by the Roman Catholic outlook; life is a gift from God and the murder of it is absolutely erroneous. They also believe that life begins at conception, so even contraception is wrong. I also share the same views as Roman Catholics on this topic.
Although other people regard a foetus to be just a clump of cells with the potential of life, from the week, the foetus can feel pain; abortion is a murder. If a woman has been raped, then abortion is acceptable, as it is understandable that she wouldn’t want a constant reminder of the incident. To speak for people who have other views, if the victim of rape, who has conceived, has an abortion, it is the innocent foetus which given the ‘death sentence’, not the guilty rapist.
If the parent(s) are concerned of the possibility of the child being handicapped/disabled, I believe abortion is still wrong. In some cases, disabilities can be slightly cured; the child has the possibility of having a very much normal life.
My overall view on abortion, it’s wrong.
By Surjeet Mann