There are many different views on both abortion and euthanasia, which can be divided, into many different groups. For example, when it comes to abortion some are pro-choice believers who do not see having an abortion as a major concern and believe that any pregnant woman who wishes to have an abortion should have the choice.
On the other hand, there are also those who are pro-life believers. They claim that having an abortion, has a much greater meaning than just removing a premature foetus from the womb, it can mean murder. These views strongly oppose abortion and respect human life.
Similary, there are also many views on euthanasia, such as voluntary, passive positive and active:
Voluntary euthanasia involves a request by the dying patient or their legal representative.
According to majority of religions, both abortion and euthanasia is wrong. For instance, as far as the Christian religion is concerned, they are against the whole concept of abortion; Christians believe that life is a gift from God:
‘You created every part of me; you put me together in my mothers womb.’
(Psalm 139:13)
Although they are many views over the issue of abortion, all Christians take it very seriously. The Roman Catholic Church is against abortion under any circumstances, and believes that every human life is unique and that God knows life from the moment of conception. This view can be supported by the ‘Catholic Truth Society’ who argue that:
'We have been created by the almighty God in his own image and likeness. No pregnancy is unplanned because no baby can be conceived unless almighty God intends that conception and has willed that particular unique and completely individual new person into existence.’
Similarly, ‘Life Campaign’ also argues that:
'Since human life begin at conception i.e. fertilisation, and since all human life should be equally protected by the law from conception to natural death, whether or not human being concerned is wanted or handicapped it follows that destruction of unborn life is always wrong.'
Similar to the Roman catholic church, other Christian churches, also disagree with abortion, and believes that abortion is used for social reasons or as means of birth control. However, they accept that there can be exceptions depending on the situation for example if the mother or child would suffer if the pregnancy continued. Nevertheless, they still believe that God has the only right to give and take life.
However, despite of minor differences in views between Christians about abortion, all Christians agree on the importance of pastoral care and those who face parenthood in difficult situations. However, they believe that there are other ways of dealing with abortion, which includes looking at alternatives such as adoption, and counselling.
There are humanitarian groups, which are in favour of it; they have their own views, which are totally different, then the religious views, according to National Abortion Campaign:
'The decision to terminate pregnancy is so important that it can only be made by the person most involved- the women. Women must always have a choice and never have the decision forced upon them. Free abortion facilities should on the NHS for every woman who needs them. We believe that the right of women to control their own fertility is a fundamental human right. Women will not be able to take a full and equal part in the society when we can all decide for ourselves whether and when to have children.'
National Abortion Campaign states the basic right of women to control its own fertility, they say that women have a full right to chose when the want to have children. Humanist Dipper supports abortion by suggesting that:
'Humanist regards abortion better than bringing unwanted into the world. It is a mistake to say that Humanist are in favour of abortion; no one can be in favour of abortion, which, except in unforeseen circumstances, is result of failed contraception. We think there will probably always be a certain number unplanned pregnancies and that the mother concerned should have the complete choice of either complete abortion, or keeping the baby.'
This shows that although Christianity claims that abortion is wrong there are still many who disagree for many reasons.
Christianity also disapproves of euthanasia, because Christianity claims that human beings have a very special place in God’s heart, eyes and in his creation. This can be seen in psalm 139:
‘For you created my inmost being; you (God) knit me together in my mother’s womb’.
The alternative to euthanasia in Christianity is the ‘Hospice movement’. This is an organisation, which give care to those who are on their way to death. The kind of care, which hospices give to their patients, is very distinctive for they offer tender loving care. The three main aims of hospices are to relieve pain, to enable patients and families to face up to death and finally to care for emotional needs of the relatives. A hospice offers care to the patients and their families at the most difficult stages in their lives.
Those who agree with the hospice movement believe that a person who is terminally ill may make a miraculous recovery, this has happened in the past. And so they believe that people should not just give up on life.
However, those who disagree with the whole hospice movement believe that prolonging life is intolerable for those people with a condition, which leaves the brain alert but eventually shuts down all bodily functions and skills of communicating. So, how can people be expected to live like this?
I believe that euthanasia should be an option for those whose pain cannot be relived with any form of care or whose bodily disintegration is beyond bearing. I also believe that legal representatives or close family should have the choice and the trust to let them live a prolonged life or to end their life and let them die with dignity. If people could make the decisions themselves then I believe that the option of euthanasia should only be open to them.
Similarly, I believe that the whole abortion issue will probably never be resolved, as everyone has his or her own views on the subject. However, I believe that abortion is wrong, and should not be carried on. On the other hand having an abortion can sometimes be very important in a person’s life. In this case I think that abortion can only be acceptable only for the right reasons for example with the life of the mother is in danger if she carries on with the pregnancy. People must not have an abortion just for fun and they must take it very seriously.
To conclude both issues, I think that they are both very controversial and that there will always be differences in views between different groups. But one thing we must all think about is how important is a human beings life? And do we have the right to decide on another’s or our own life? We must also think about is it how God the creator of all wants us to live?
There are many who agree with abortion and euthanasia and there are also many who disagree and some who are undecided. The time will come when the government, medical services and religion will have a major conflict on whether it is right to have an abortion or have the right to take ones life. Until then the abortion and euthanasia debate will continue and spread like a disease.
My opinion is quite simple, if humans have not got the power to create or give life to a dead body then why should they have the power to end life. In this sense, my view is very similar to the church’s views that suggest that God give life and only he can decided when it is time to end it.