RE coursework- Abortion and Euthanasia


Christians hold a strong responsibility for those at the beginning and end of their lives there for abortion and euthanasia are very important issues. Roman Catholics believe that abortion which is killing an unborn child is wrong because they believe life starts at conception so someone who commits abortion is killing a life.

Christians also believe in the parable of ‘sheep’s and goats’ which means if someone kills a person or hurts a person it is killing Jesus and if life is harmed it is saving Jesus meaning Jesus is in everyone of us even in the unborn child and a person at the end of their life so committing abortion and euthanasia is against the Christian religion.

In Mathew 4:23 “Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching….and healing every disease and sickness among the people” therefore we should help the unborn child and people suffering just like he did not resorting to abortion or euthanasia but to help the unborn child and look after the person at the end of their lives.

Christian also believe “We were made in gods image” so everyone’s life should be preserved even the unborn child

Some might believe that life at the beginning and the end of life are not as important as life in the middle, but all life is important according to most Christians and also in mark 10:13 the parable tells of people bringing their little children to Jesus to have him touch them. But the disciples rebuke them. Jesus sees this and says to them “let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to them”. Meaning Jesus believes that life at the beginning is important as well.

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The Orthodox Church believes abortion is a heinous act of evil and shouldn’t be used to kill an unborn child.

But the Church of England has a different view they believe the foetus is important and it is wrong kill the foetus but the mother has the right to have an abortion if she wants.

The story of the Good Samaritan is a good example it is trying to tell us to love our enemy but how can we do it if we are allowing people to die. This tells us that Christian responsibility about abortion and abortion is strong.


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