Abortion and Euthanasia - views from the Roman Catholic Church.

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Abortion and Euthanasia

The Roman Catholic Church believes that human life is sacred. Explain how this teaching influences to abortion and euthanasia, showing that you have considered more than one point of view.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that all life is a sacred gift from God, and that all life is worthy of respect. This means that all forms of murder are totally unacceptable, this includes abortion and euthanasia.

Abortion is the intentional extermination of the foetus inside the mothers’ womb. Christians believe that it is morally and socially wrong. Archbishop Sean Brady said once “human life has always been under attack. Poverty and hunger, sickness and disease, violence and war, murder and manslaughter have always menaced human existence. This is especially true where is weak and defenceless. Now life is being attacked at its beginning, through abortion”.

He says that God gave us life and therefore only he can have the power to take it away. As life is equal in his eyes and the “Church can not isolate the defence of unborn life from the defence of a human life.” The Archbishop goes on to say “ what I feel sums up the act of the abortionists. Gods commandment, ‘thou shall not kill’, unconditionally forbids all taking of an innocent life from its beginnings in the womb until the end that God, not man has set for it”.

Our Roman Catholic Church is the only major world religion to rule that abortion is absolutely unacceptable in all circumstances. Catholics have been taught that abortion is always morally evil. However there are many people whose attitudes towards abortion differs from those of their religion leaders. They believe that individuals have the right to follow their own consciences.

Pope John Paul II from his encyclical “the Gospel of life” states that everyone has an incomparable worth because everyone shares in the very life of God, the life of every individual from its very beginning is part of God. He reminds us that it I not enough to be against abortion we need to do something about it.

In the Bible it says, “Before I formed you I knew you” and the prophet Jeremiah says, “You were born and I consecrated you” In John 10:10 God says, “I have come that they may have life to the full”. This tells us that we are told in the Bible that each human life is called to live with God forever. Each human being is one of whom Christ thought so much that he died for him. This is where each human being gets his value. Each human life is valued.

In my opinion this should give good reason not to have abortion legal, but n today’s society it is no longer seen as an evil crime. There are many arguments from different groups, which do not support the views of the Catholic Church.

Many people would believe that a woman should have a choice on whether or not she should have an abortion, as it is her body. They think that if a woman is raped then an abortion is the most humane way of helping her.

Personally I believe that if a woman is pregnant because of a rape then it is a very complex situation and is hard to deal with. Still, is an unfortunate incident such as this did happen, the result can’t be taken out on the baby, it is still only a defenceless foetus which shouldn’t be punished. For the woman it may be difficult to understand as she may feel unclean and not want the baby, but half of the baby is part of her.

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These are traumatic circumstances and these people need to know of certain organisations such as CURA, which console and help the victims.  

Another invalid reason for abortion is that the mother doesn’t have to keep the baby she could have it adopted if after nine months she still didn’t want it.

If a baby is handicapped then people think it is all right to have an abortion. There are many other arguments, like the population

explosion will not be solved by making abortion illegal. Every child has the right to be a wanted child. ...

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