"Christians will argue that children are a gift from God, and it’s not up to the individuals to interfere with the will of God." Throughout the Bible God refers to children frequently. One of the Ten Commandments clearly states "Do not commit murder." this I believe is what abortion really is, murder.
The religious view on abortion is very mixed. No religion actively supports abortion but some will allow it. The Church of England and Ireland teach that abortion is wrong except in extreme circumstances such as a serious risk to the Mother's health or life. The especially disapprove of abortion when the mother is doing it for selfish reasons such as saying her career is more important. The Free Churches believe abortion is down to the Mother- she has the right to decide. The only Church that rule abortion is completely wrong is the Roman Catholic Church. They believe the baby gains a soul at conception and that abortion is morally evil. They do not allow abortion under any circumstance. My view is that Children are a remarkable gift from God and nobody not even the parents should have the authorisation to murder a defenceless baby.
"Each woman should have the right to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes." I disagree with this statement, as women can't go around killing their babies because they don't want them. If this was a rule then I believe people would abuse it greatly. They would use abortion as a contraceptive, which is highly unacceptable. There are many other methods like adoption the mother could take if she did not wish to keep the baby. Abortion does not solve social problems, such as unstable relationships, poor housing and financial insecurity, which lead women to seek to end their pregnancies. Abortion merely makes the problem worse in many cases, leaving no trace of the baby but a guilty conscience behind. I think if this was the situation that women had the choice of abortion then it would trigger off umpteen problems within society, like more under aged sex. Which is not what we want at all, we want mothers to stop slaughtering their babies because they don't want them. They can't get away with killing someone because they don't want them in their lives. It’s not the babies’ fault they were conceived, so why make the baby suffer? 1% of all abortions are used to protect the selfish mother’s life. They don't care about the baby they are harming in the process just as long as they are free from it.
On the other hand "If an unborn child has a disease or defect of some kind then the quality of life of the child will be low. By terminating the pregnancy you are acting in the interests of the child by preventing it from a life of pain or suffering." I agree with this statement as the mother is having an abortion to protect her child. I think this type of abortion is acceptable as it’s for the child’s benefit. If the child was born I don't think it would be fair to let he or she live in pain from their illness or disease when the mother had a choice of an abortion. I am not saying that having no life at all is better than being disabled but some people might prefer not to let their child go through the pain of having an illness or disease. The real problem with abortion is when its used to protect the mother or as a contraceptive method, but when it is used for the benefit of the child there is no real dilemma with it. Most people see abortion as being evil and wrong because its very ofen over exploited. If we use abortion properly for the benefit of the child or mothers life then people may change their minds about it and make it acceptable in our society.
"Some will argue that the parents are incapable of bringing up the baby properly, and if the child is born then it will suffer in life." I agree with this statement as the parents should be sure that they can offer their child a good chance at life, as everybody is worthy of an equal chance. It they are unable to offer their child a good chance at life then they should think about adoption before even considering abortion. If the parents are struggling financially then I don't believe it would be fair to bring a child up in that type of environment. This is because the child may suffer in later life. If the child of the parent is disabled or unable to look after the child then I think an abortion is appropriate as its wrong to bring a child up in that kind of society where it has to suffer. If the parents are unable to look after the child then they should consider adoption before abortion as they wont feel guilty in later life because they know they have given the child a chance at life. On the other hand parents may feel more comfortable with an abortion as they know they did not let their child suffer at all through life because they were incapable of looking after he/she with the same love and respect all humans deserve.
"Women who have conceived a child due to rape should have the choice of an abortion." I agree with this statement as the child is not really wanted and is not going to be brought up by a loving family. Also having the baby may be very traumatic for the mother as it might bring horrid memories of her ordeal back. I think in this case an abortion would be best for mother and baby. Why should the child be brought up in an environment where its not loved or wanted? I think rape is very sad, because it just shows what is really going on in the world to day. I see no point at all why someone would want to cause so much pain and hurt. To leave them with a burden like a permanent reminder, the victim would never be able to get over their ordeal ever. This is why I feel so strongly about abortion in the case of rape.
In conclusion I think there should be rigorous laws on abortion like only making them available in a case of rape or the child or mothers life is greatly at risk. I do not agree with using abortion as a contraceptive, I think this should be completely banned. I don't know how Mothers can have an abortion and not feel any sense of guilt at all. How they can live with the remorse of murder on their conscience beats me.