
Candidate Number: 4082

A.  i. What is mean by the word “abortion”?

     ii. What Biblical and Church teachings might be used in a

        discussion about abortion?

B. Explain how Christians might put their beliefs about

    abortion into action

C. “Abortion is never justified” Do you agree?

      Give reasons to support your answer and show that you’ve

      thought about different points of view. You must refer to

      Christianity in your answer.

Contents Page

My Aims………..........................................................pg 2

Part A: Section 1………………….………..................pg 3

Part A: Section 2……………………..........................pg 5

Part B……………………………….............................pg 9

Part C………………………………….......................pg 12

Pg 1

Aims for the end of this project!

During this project I aim to study the topic of abortion. Firstly I aim to show you all the different perspectives of the “abortion argument” giving points for both sides of the argument of abortion un-biased and the personal, social and worldwide issues that are attached to it. I aim to give as much information on abortion as I can, including my personal thoughts of the issue.

Secondly I will aim to display how the differences of opinion can influence our community and our beliefs. Also how many people have been debating over this issue for years and have still not been able to come up with agreeable terms on both sides.

Pg 2

Part A:

Section 1


What is meant by the word abortion?

   An abortion is the premature removal of the embryo or foetus from the , resulting in or caused by the foetus’s death. It can happen naturally as a spontaneous abortion also know as a miscarriage, due to accidental trauma or natural causes. This is an unintentional action. An abortion can be induced by medical or surgical procedures. This is known as a therapeutic abortion.

An abortion is generally performed...

  • to save the life of the pregnant woman
  • to preserve the woman’s physical or mental health
  • to terminate pregnancy that would result in a child born with a medical disorder
  • to reduce the number of foetuses to reduce health risks that come with multiple pregnancies.

The abortion law:

   Some people think abortion is always wrong, some think abortion is right if the mother's life is at risk, and others think there are certain circumstances when abortions are morally acceptable.

   Abortion has been legal in Britain since 1967, when The 1967 Abortion Act was approved, allowing abortions up to the 28 weeks. In 1974 119,000 legal abortions were carried out in England and Wales. By 1995 this figure had risen to 154,000. The Act was reviewed and changed in 1990, to The 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, allowing abortions up to 24 weeks. The time limit was changed in line with the perceived viability of a foetus.

   The law doesn’t legalise abortions, it gives a legal defence for those having them. Abortions can legally be performed under certain conditions, like if continuing with the pregnancy could lead to the damaging of physical or mental health of the woman, or her existing family members, or if the foetus has been conceived by rape or incest. Abortions will only be carried out if the woman is below or at the 24 week stage.

   Abortions with no time limit are allowed if there is a large risk that the child, when born, would suffer severe physical or mental defects leaving them seriously handicapped or if the birth of the foetus would result in the death of the woman. An abortion must be agreed by two doctors, one in an emergency, and it is performed by a doctor in a government-approved hospital or clinic.

Pg 3

“Back street abortions”

   Before abortions became legal, women went to extreme lengths in order to terminate their pregnancy; these were called “back street abortions”. They are unhygienic, almost always done by untrained practitioners, uses inappropriate methods and has very poor after care. They use old surgical methods such as: injecting poisonous solutions into the womb or inserting objects to free the foetus from the womb lining.

   Many women would use methods of self-induced abortion include taking remedies to induce labour naturally, e.g. herbal remedies or poisons aimed to bring on a miscarriage. Some of these methods are harmless, but also have no effect; others work more effectively, but can be extremely dangerous to the woman.

   Some people resort to inflicting physical abuse: falling down stairs, physical harm to the belly, jumping from heights. This is used when they cannot find any other way to terminate their pregnancy. It is extremely risky to the woman and is often not effective.

Back street abortions still occur in places like Germany and Chile, where abortions remain illegal.

When does life begin?

   There is a problem with the time limit to when abortions should be allowed. At the moment it is at the point of viability, 24 weeks, but everyone has different views on when life begins:

Conception - When the sperm and ovum meet, being the process of development by dividing. Christians may view this as the point at which life begins as this is when the sperm and ovum meet, that is an irreversible act of a new life coming into existence.


1 month - Heart pumping, eyes, spinal cord, nerves, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys begin to form. This could be thought to be the start of life as the heart starts beating and if the heart stops beating life ends.


2 months – The Embryo is now a foetus, all organs and muscles begin to function. The wrist bends, and feet lose their webbed appearance. The first bone stages begin. Life could begin at this stage as the foetus’ organs are fully functioning, just like an adult.

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3 months - The foetus squirms as it flexes its muscles. The heartbeat can be detected and the foetus looks clearly like a baby. Christians might see this as the beginning of life as it looks like a tiny human baby and they can hear the baby’s heartbeat.


4 months - The head has distinct human features and may have hair. The skin is pink and the bones are forming joints. The foetus is moving around in the womb and has developed feeling. If an abortion was to be carried out now the foetus would be ...

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