An embryo is a person and has a right to life. Discuss

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An embryo is a person and has a right to life

The abortion argument deals with the rights and wrongs of deliberately ending a pregnancy before normal childbirth, therefore killing the foetus in the process. Abortion covers several issues such as whether a foetus is a human being and when a foetus has the right to life. Many people want to ban abortion while others do not. When planning an abortion you are potential killing a human being who will have a life. Therefore is it right to kill a foetus? Also when should the abortion occur? The law states it should be before 24 weeks, but many believe it should be earlier or you that you should be able to choose when to abort. There are many different religious views on abortion.    

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Roman Catholics and Conservative Protestants follow the ‘pro-life movement’, which means that they believe that abortion is always wrong, regardless of the consequences anyone may face. Roman Catholics are absolutists and they believe that life is sacred. The foetus is already a human being and it should not be taken away unless it is God’s doing. Therefore Roman Catholics strongly agree with the statement. I would agree with that abortion is wrong and should not be allowed in most circumstances. However if there is a serious issue with the mother of the foetus then abortion should be allowed.


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