Analyse and explain the way in which a religious theme has been dealt with in a film or television drama.

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Analyse and explain the way in which a religious theme has been dealt with in a film or television drama.

We watched a film for our coursework called Bruce Almighty. This film looks at the religious theme of Christianity and whether God is everything religion tells us he is (i.e. omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent).

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God, Bruce, Grace and Evan are the main characters.

In the story Bruce is unhappy and he blames God (e.g. Evan getting the anchor position instead of him).

He talks to God and God gives him all of his powers then later realises that he can’t really handle them all that well and he makes a mess of everything, at the end God clears everything up when Bruce realises what he really wants and that is for Grace to be happy and be with a man who will love her a treat her right.

The religious theme has ...

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