To try and combat poverty, CAFOD works with more than 500 organisations worldwide. CAFOD and its partners are making lasting change. This is down to listening to needs and finding out how best to meet them. CAFOD is working to improve lives and livelihoods.
‘’Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day – teach him to fish you feed him for life.’’
“What you are giving us is worth so much more than money. You are helping us to stand on our own feet”
Vicente Gomez Gutierrez, Coffee farmer, Chiapas, Mexico
CAFOD believes that all human beings have the right to dignity and respect. That the world’s resource are a gift to be equally shared between all men and women, no matter their race, nationality or religion. To pass this message out, CAFOD works with many different countries – Kenya, Bangladesh and Brazil. In Brazil, CAFOD supports a programme set up by local people. The project allows children from the street to learn skills that will give them a hopeful future and maybe a chance of a job. In Kenya, CAFOD supported the setting up of 2 health clinics. CAFOD then trained locals to be health workers. The trained health workers now help local communities and teach them to look after themselves properly. In Bangladesh, CAFOD set up a saving scheme to help farmers when the crops fail. The farmers are also able to sell duck eggs and feathers.
CAFOD has vision, mission and value. Some of these are to share and tell about the Catholic Church’s task of proclaiming good news of the Kingdom of God, bearing witness to love, truth and justice and building bridges of hope with the poor. CAFOD also helps with the problems of AIDS. 40 million people are living with AIDS and HIV. Everyday 15,000 new HIV infections. Most of these happen in developing countries. CAFOD hosts the AIDS funding network group of catholic funding agencies from the north. CAFOD also produces a newsletter called AIDS Information Exchange Newsletter for partners and campaigners.
CAFOD also provides help during the aftermath of disasters / emergencies. CAFOD responds to emergencies and if the need is get, CAFOD will raise money from the public you help. This money goes to fund emergency supplies providing seeds, tools, food, clean water, hygiene packs, blankets and shelter materials through relevant partner organisations.
Albania is an extremely poor country. And faces a range of serious economic and social problems. CAFOD has spent £507,000 in Albania during 2003 – 2004. CAFOD Albania was set up by CAFOD in the UK in 1993. Since then it was provided vocational training for women and young people, provided legal aid and improved living conditions by allowing people to meet their basic needs.