CAFOD is always ready to respond to immediate problems and disasters (e.g. - floods, droughts, wars etc.). It has a special fund to help those who have been the victims of such disasters (emergency work/ short-term relief. They help with things like: sending food, antibiotics and shelters to flood victims in Bangladesh and sending blankets and food to war refugees in Bosnia, Kosovo and Rwanda. For example, CAFOD raised £4.5 million for the victims of the 1985 African Famine. Kadija was driven from her home by war, CAFOD provided shelter, an emergency kit, cooking and washing utensils for her. However, CAFOD doesn’t just stay for a short period of time, on the contrary, CAFOD stays in the place and continues to make things better and tries to prepare the country for the same disaster in the future.
This is called long-term aid. CAFOD has an advantage over other charities because they have connections with other charities (especially the charities in the places of need). It is often the country concerned that comes up with the idea on how they can help themselves, they then ask CAFOD to fund it – they talk to the communities to prioritise their needs and put them into practise. They also help individuals to make their life generally better in different aspects. Ragesh, 24, was a fisherman before the Tsunami. CAFOD helped him to learn how to operate a crane, he now has another job- he earns more money now. CAFOD helps people to recover from traumatic experiences by giving them support and counselling. (e.g.- Marie, 13, was living in Beirut and heard bombs going off every night. CAFOD helped her to recover from these terrifying experiences.).
To do all of the things CAFOD does to help people and countries around the world, they have to have some money. They get their money by raising money in the U.K. They have fundraising events such as family fasting days (in Lent and October). They also have other ways of raising money such as: Friday groups, which ask people to give up something and donate the money to CAFOD. CAFOD also works with Christian aid to sell goods produced by LEDCs at a fair rate (Fair Trade Products). Three quarters of CAFOD’s funding comes from the Catholic community. One year, CAFOD received approximately £27 million from Catholics, in parishes and schools, in England and Wales.
About 5% of CAFOD’s budget is spent on educating people around the world about its work and what it does. They try their hardest to raise awareness of poverty, its causes and what we, ourselves, can do about it. The education section works with volunteers who visit schools, youth groups, parishes and such to spread the word on what CAFOD do. It produces resources for schools and provides training for teachers.
CAFOD’s staff researches the best places they can put pressure on about poverty and needed development and then set up campaigns to help people in need argue their own cases. They remove the cause of poverty by action and lobbying. Not only do CAFOD’s campaigns raise awareness but the people who take part find it fun in the process. In the past CAFOD has campaigned to reduce the risk of landmines, reduce third world debt and improve worker’s rights- they succeeded in all of these.
CAFOD now has 290 staff in the U.K and 70 abroad. It supports more than 500 projects in over 50 countries. In 2006 CAFOD spent £50 million to help people around the world. All of CAFOD’s work is inspired by faith, the hopes of the poor, gospel messages and catholic social teachings.