Ancient Egyptian Religion

Culminating Performance Task

The Gods

The Ancient Egyptian religion was based on polytheism, or the worship of many deities. The Egyptians believed that each deity influenced one particular aspect of nature and human activity. Consequently, they worshipped as many as 2000 gods and goddesses. The major deities were worshipped throughout the country, while others had only a local following. These gods were often depicted as animals, humans, or a combination of both. The major gods of the Egyptian religion included Amun-re, Anubis, Osiris, Horus, Thoth, and Isis.

  1. The chief god was Amun, who, under the title Amun Re, associated the power of the sun deity with his own. He was known as the king of the gods, and was depicted as a man wearing ostrich feathers.
  2. Anubis was one of the most ancient of the gods. He had the head of a jackal and his purpose was to oversee the mummification of a body and guide it to the afterlife.
  3. Osiris was the king of the underworld and protector of the dead. Portrayed as a man wrapped as a mummy, Osiris served as the judge of the underworld. He weighed the heart of the deceased against the goddess Maat, who represented truth and justice. If the person’s good deeds outweighed the bad, his heart would be balanced with Maat and Osiris would welcome the newcomer to the afterlife. However, if the person fell short in Osiris’ judgement, the body would be eaten by a monster.
  4. Horus was the god of the sky, who was represented as a man with a falcon’s head
  5. Thoth was the god of learning, depicted as a man with the head of an Ibis, a bird native to the Nile River.
  6. Isis was the goddess of magic and the protector of children. She was portrayed as a woman with two horns, between which rested the sacred disc of the sun.

Egyptians did not have access to the major gods in the temple shrines. The people could only approach the gods in the national festivals. However there were additional deities who answered the everyday life wishes and were connected with the family. These were referred to as household deities. The most popular were Bes and Tawert which were helpers and protectors of women and children.

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The Pharaoh

Central to Ancient Egyptian religion was the pharaoh. He was regarded as the a god-king, or the son of the gods. It was believed that the spirit of the Orisis and Horus resided within him and guided him along the proper path. By observing and obeying the will of the gods he upheld Maat, the principle of balance which leads to order, justice and harmony. The Pharaoh was also believed to have been guided by the spirits of all his predecessors who dwelt with Osiris in the afterlife.

The power of the pharaoh was portrayed ...

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