Belief has been described as TOK essay

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Belief has been described as                                      ABDUL RAHMAN, AHMAD SUFIAN

“certainty about what cannot be seen.”                                                 000592-031

Does this statement hold true in any,

some or all Areas of Knowledge?

        The pursuit of knowledge has led to the expansion in the areas of knowledge. Humans used many different ways of knowing, personal and impersonal to reach to new discoveries in these areas. Personal ways of knowing involve emotions and  influence the individual upbringings, thus result in the biasness in the derivation of certain areas of knowledge. It is undeniable though that personal ways of knowing provide supreme knowledge in certain areas like religion. Belief is  one of them , lies under the knowledge by conviction and provides man with knowledge unattainable by mere human logical thinking. Addressing the issue, belief has been described as “certainty about what cannot be seen,” certainly it deals with the subjectivity of the definition of belief in different areas of knowledge. Here, the notion will be critically analysed from several areas of knowledge namely Religion, Mathematics, Natural Science and Economics. Prior to that, it is worthwhile to comprehend that belief exists in these areas of knowledge and the main issue is whether it is appropriate to describe belief as certainty about the unseen in all the areas of knowledge mentioned or can belief represent something else.

        Before going further, several things need to be clearly defined. ‘Certainty’ can be translated as assurance or confidence of something to happen or exist. The word ‘seen’ suggests things that can directly or indirectly be observed. Putting the words together, the notion ‘belief has been described as certainty about what cannot be seen’ implies the confidence and assurance that are generated about the metaphysical objects, futures and etc. which cannot be observed by naked eyes.

        Looking at the issue from mathematical vantage point, it is vital to first understand the nature of Mathematics. Pure Mathematics deals greatly with human logical thinking and deductive logic. It was generated from the axioms and thereby expands with time. Pure Mathematics involves little debates due to the fact that it uses human universal logic. When a formula, for example is set, everybody around the globe is unquestionably to accept it. When we say 2 apples are added to the other 2 apples, and the new amount is represented by 4, people cannot argue why is it four? Since Pure Mathematics does not deal with the real world phenomena, therefore it is almost impossible for people to find exceptional conditions in which certain theory does not work. Therefore, generally  Pure Mathematics has  a very high degree of certainty. Looking at an example, if suppose we have an equation y = 2x+5, then we claim that the solution for x when y=9 is 2. The claim made is actually based on mathematical logic, which is, 9 = 2x + 5, therefore x = (9-5)/2 which is 2. It is mathematically substantiated. Belief in Pure Mathematics is thus described as certainty of what can indirectly be seen and proven in some way.

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        Nevertheless, belief can be described as certainty about what cannot be seen in Applied Mathematics. Applied Mathematics involves the usage of mathematics in the real world. In this respect, the calculation made using the theoretical mathematics can never give a high degree of certainty. Let say a group of engineers intend to build a suspension bridge which can bear the mass of 5 tonne. From their calculations, they found out that the bridge should then be built with a piling of 15 metres deep. In real-life situation, engineers would never take this value exactly, instead they will double or triple ...

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