Bowling for Columbine

In the recent film “Bowling for Columbine,” Michael Moore claims that fear drives people to violence; a short animation clip is also used by Michael Moore to depict the history of the United States in the documentary. The animation brought out a number of issues that set people thinking. Issues on race, fear and violence are also discussed in the documentary (as well as the interview of Oprah Winfrey and Michael Moore.)It is shocking to realise how people have got involved in the culture of fear, and violence. The discrimination of the blacks in America is also discussed in the film.  Having watched this documentary, I was totally appalled. Thoughts went through my head, and questions were left unanswered. Are people treated justly and equally? It seems to me that the answer is no. The world did not seem safe anymore, and an example of that being that bullets were made easily available in stores such as “K-mart”.

“It’s an American tradition; it’s an American responsibility to be armed. If you’re not armed you’re not responsible.” is a quote given by a militia member. It seems to me that the Americans are caught up in their own world only worried about themselves. There is some form of self-obsession going on in the country, as people only care about their own well being, and another example is a quote given by a female militia member “Because, being a female, for one, I felt it was important to be able to protect myself with the best means possible. And one of those means is having a gun. When a criminal breaks in to your house, who is the first person you’re going to call? Most people would call the police because they have guns. Cut out the middle man; take care of your own family yourself. If you’re not going to protect your family, who is? ” .

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Self obsession is one of the issues that were discussed in the interview of Oprah Winfrey and Michael Moore. It appears to me that people have forgotten how to talk things out peacefully anymore, it is also frightening to realise that that almost all of the citizens in America owned a personal gun. Is violence the best way of defence? The culture of possessing a gun just goes to prove how insecure they are in their country. The reason for the possession of a gun most people had was due to self-defence. However, in the case of the killings that ...

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