Moreover, a source of information was recorded in neighbouring states, and it clearly says that the states that have the death penalty commit much more crimes, than states that don’t have the death penalty. E.g. Iowa a non-death penalty state that doesn’t have the death penalty has a 30% less than Missouri a death-penalty state.
Never less, there has only been one execution for every 1,600 murders (0.06%). On capital punishment people maybe slightly more relaxed.
For example, in California there were 561 people awaiting execution. 201 were black, 228 were white and 105 were Latino. It has to do with judicial procedure and legal representation. Evidently, the black people in the USA weren’t as wealthy as the white people, so they couldn’t afford as good representatives.
Finally, I think that I am against capital punishment because it is too cruel. More importantly, people have died from capital punishment when they were innocent. Although, the population in the prisons went from 510,000 to 182,000 I still believe against it. For instance, in a search around states Iowa (a non-death penalty state) had 30% fewer crimes committed than Missouri (a death penalty state). Evidently, this is not working. Also, people in the black community were poorer than the white community. So this means that the black community couldn’t afford as good lawyers so they were put on death row because of lack of evidence, which they may not be guilty. I wouldn’t like to see it in Britain because; the U.K wouldn’t get a good reputation, so they wouldn’t get many tourists coming to the U.K, which means less money!