The final argument for Capital Punishment is the justice and compassion for the victim’s family. In the passage of the “woman with the haemorrhage.” Jesus took compassion on her, Jesus looked at her in a loving way and loved her, not in a patronising and disgusted way that the other people of that time did. Jesus teaches Christians to take compassion on others, so by killing the criminals, you are taking compassion on the victim’s family. The victim’s family would have a sense of relief and would know justice was fulfilled, in a way it is a consolation for crime, and the family could finally be at peace.
However many Christians are opposed to Capital punishment. They believe that it is murder and it is wrong to kill because of the commandment, “Thou Shalt not Kill.” So killing someone through capital punishment is defying this commandment.
In Genesis it tells us that God has given us a great gift of life, we have no right to take that gift away. Even if a crime is committed, a life is still a life and Christians believe that no one can take that away except for God. The Roman Catholic Church believes that only God can take away life. Even though they have never officially condemned capital punishment, a number of authorative voices in the church have called in recent years for its abolition.
In the passage, “An eye for an eye and tooth for tooth,” Jesus tells Christians to reject revenge; “If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” He shows that it is wrong to kill someone for revenge.
Christians could also argue that they are against Capital punishment because mistakes can be made and the wrong person could be convicted for murder. An example of this is Timothy Evans, who was hanged in 1950 for murdering his own child. However, a few years later John Christie was convicted of a series of murders and admitted to the child’s murder. As the death penalty is irrevocable, such miscarriages of justice cannot be rectified.
Some Christians believe that only God can judge, and only him alone. In the Old Testament it says, “And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy their brothers. And you will know my name is the lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.” This shows only God is allowed to take life and punish.
An important point to Christians, is that when Jesus died on the cross, he died to forgive the sins of the world, and us and therefore no other lives should now be taken away. He was the ultimate sacrifice, which means after him, no more sacrifices should be given or taken. Therefore no one should be killed on trial like Jesus was, because he was the ultimate sacrifice.
A martyr is someone who would die for their beliefs, so this could turn criminals into martyrs because they have died for what they may think is a good cause, which is a horrendous crime. Criminals should not be seen as martyrs, so this defeats the point of deterrence, so people would look up to them and they would want to commit crimes.
Forgiveness is a very important aspect of Christianity. In the passage of the “Penitent thief,” when Jesus is being crucified, the thief realises he is wrong at the last minute and Jesus accepts this. Jesus says to the thief, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” This shows that there is even a possibility of people in death row that could change, they can still be forgiven and reform. In the “parable of the Lost Son,” it shows two sons who have equal shares in their father’s property. The oldest stays at home and looks after his share very well, whilst the younger son sets off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. He realises his mistakes, he is sorry and wants to be forgiven. “Father I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.” After reciting this to himself he went back to his father. His father is very pleased, he runs to his son when he sees him, and throws the best party possible to celebrate the homecoming. This parable shows that God is like a father. God is forgiving and generous and he is quick to forgive. Therefore we should take upon God’s example and forgive, capital punishment in this case is not the answer. The death penalty makes a complete mockery of this and does not give these people a chance. People should be given a chance to reform. In the passage, “Women in Adultery,” a woman was sentenced to capital punishment because she had committed adultery. She was bought to Jesus by the Pharisees to test him, and Jesus what to do with her. He said, “If any of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw the first stone at her.” Then no one did, he said, “Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.” Jesus shows Christians that you should be given the chance to reform. By killing, you are destroying the offenders chance to change.
Therefore I conclude most Christians are opposed to Capital punishment, as they believe that life is sacred, they should not take revenge, mistakes can be made and only God can judge. But some Christians still believe that Capital punishment is right, as it protects innocent people in society, it upholds vindication of the law and shows compassion for the victim’s family.
“God gives life and only God can take it away.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more than one point of view.
Some people would agree with the part of the statement “God gives life.” In Genesis 1, it says that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. It tells us that God made all creation, humans included :
“So God created man
In his own image
In the image of God
He created him;
Male and female
He created them”
This shows that God has created life. In the story of Jairus’s daughter Jesus actually bought Jairus’s daughter back to life. The story is about Jairus coming to get Jesus to cure his daughter, however on the way they find that she has already died, she is pronounced dead. However Jairus, nor Jesus do not give up. Jesus went to her, took her by the hand, and told her to stand up, and she did. Jesus is the Son of God, who gives life. Jesus has his power given by God, which bought Jairus’s daughter back to life. In Luke, Jesus uses an analogy that God knows every single hair on our head; he has created us to such an extent, that he knows everything about us. In Corinthians 6:11, it says, “ Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” This shows that you have been built and designed from God. You can argue that new modern technology can save and create lives, but God himself gave this power and authority, which has made this possible.
However, some people would disagree with part of the statement, “God gives life.” Some would say scientists and doctors also give life too. Doctors can now resuscitate people, which in a way gives them life again, when their heart stops beating. In the medical world there are many new drugs and medicines available to help keep people alive. Life support machines are also used to keep people alive, you could argue that the doctors have the power to keep the machines on, giving the person life. Giving birth by women, is also another form of giving life, this shows that not only God can give life. Scientists can also give life, as new medical research such as making test tube babies and cloning shows that not only God can give life. Non-believers such as atheists also argue that God does not give life, as they do not believe in God.
Some may also agree that only God can take life. In Genesis 6:9, it tells the story of Noah and God destroying all of humanity, except for Noah, Noah’s wife, his three sons and their wives. God did this because he was not happy with the way humans were behaving and living. This supports part of the statement, in that God takes life. In Exodus, in the story of Moses and the 10 plagues, the final plague that God sent, was the angel of death. The angel of death was sent to take the life of the first-born son of every Egyptian family. Further on in the story, God parted the red sea, he closed it again, killing all the Egyptians in the process. This is another example of God taking life.
In Acts 5:11, it tells the story of a man named Ananias and his wife; Sapphira. In this story it tells us how all the disciples are supposed to put their money together to form a collection, which would be evenly distributed amongst them all. However Ananias and Sapphira sold a piece of property, with Ananias’s wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the Apostle’s feet. When they were both questioned, they fell down and died. God killed them in his judgement. This is another example of God taking life.
In Psalm 104:29 it says, “when take away their breath, they die and return to the dust.” This shows that when humans naturally die, God has taken his breath away, he decides when we die. This is another example of God taking life.
However some may disagree with the part of the statement, “Only God can take life.” Humans can also take life. They can take life in a number of ways. They can have abortions, which is taking life from an unborn child, and Christians feel this is acceptable in cases of rape, or if the foetus is deformed or seriously handicapped. The Roman Catholic Church however, will never find abortion acceptable, they believe that no pregnancy is unplanned. The Roman Catholic church find it is not acceptable to have an abortion because they see this as a form of murder, and feel only God can take away life.
Humans also carry out euthanasia, which is taking life if a person is suffering and continuing a poor quality of life. In cases it is acceptable if the person is in a great deal of pain and mental anguish. It is not fair to prolong this. However some people would say this is not a human’s choice to make, and only God should be able to take life.
Capital punishment and murder is another form of humans taking lives, and suicide is as well; when people feel they cannot go on and take their own lives. However I would agree with this statement to a certain extent. I believe that God does give life, but we have the choice to take it away. I think that God gives us freedom to make our own choices, it’s as if he sets us tasks and sits back to see how well we cope in these situations. Everybody is in God’s will, but he does not stop our actions, this is our freedom. This is why murder, abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment and suicide go on today. We have our own right to our own lives, and if we want to take our lives that should be left up to us.
- Bible
- Class notes and hand out sheets
- “Today’s issues” text book