Explain what Christians believe about their responsibility for other people.
Every single day millions and millions of people in less economically developed countries go hungry, while people in more economically developed counties cram their faces with food. People in rich parts of the world take for granted what they have and although some people are aware of poverty they refuse to do anything about it. The total wealth of the worlds 225 richest people is equal to 2500,000,000 poor peoples annual income. The root cause for world poverty is human greed.
Matthew 25; 31-46 (The sheep and the goats) N/T
Basically Matt 25:31-46 says that if you are bad then you will go to hell, but if you are considerate and helpful towards the poor or to your fellow neighbours then you will have a place in heaven. Jesus makes a very important statement: If you help someone in need then you are actually helping Jesus yourself. The goats represent bad behaved Christians and they are the ones who got it wrong because they did not help those in need in a variety of situations.
Luke 16:19-31 (The rich man and Lazarus)
The rich man had everything and the poor man had nothing and because of this the rich man suffered in hell and the poor man had everything he wanted in heaven when they died. In our world today we cannot say that we don’t know what’s happening. We have various ways of getting information but we choose to ignore the plight of others at our own peril.
A lot of the Old Testament is intended to help and protect or look after the poor. The Prophets in the Old Testament call for compassion and justice for the poor people. Jesus in the New Testament adores the poor and has real compassion for them. He condemns those who do nothing for the poor and loves and praises those who help them. Someone who uses what they have been given or what they have earned well is called a Steward. Using wealth wisely and well, according to Jesus, means using it to show compassion. The need to help the poor is emphasised in all traditions. The most obvious being giving monies to charities or agencies that help the poor. As part of the influential Vatican 2, the Catholic Church decided that it should be closely involved with poor peoples struggle for justice. Vatican 2 sent a signal from the Catholic leadership that allowed the liberation theology movement to develop in Catholic communities around the world. Some of the most widely respected Christian leaders of the past and present are those most closely identified or associated with helping the poor, such as Desmond Tutu in South Africa, Martin Luther-King in USA and Mother Teresa in India. The examples and teachings of others inspire Christians to try and help the poor. Each and every person is gifted with individual conscience, this is basically motivation that is powerful enough to get Christians and the like to get off their backsides and help the poor. Christians might be so emotionally moved by hearing a story of an ordinary or average person suffering in poverty that they’ll do something about it. Their conscience stimulates and makes them take action.
Charity does not have the effect Christians want. It makes people lazy and keeps them poor.
Yes I agree: Charity does make people lazy and keeps them poor
The poor people rely on the money from charities and so it makes them lazy and dependant.
People see giving money as a chore and are reluctant to do so, Jesus didn’t intent it to be this way.
Most Christians don’t see where their money ends up and so they distrust the charities.
People in less economically developed countries who live off benefits never want or have the will to work and will claim benefits for the rest of their lives. They would do anything to make their lives as easy and cushy as possible.
People would work as little as possible if they know charities are going to support them.
Rich people have enough to do and worry about, and so therefore shouldn’t give their hard earned cash away.
All their governments spend charity money on weapons and non-essential stuff.
“I have a family to pay for, a great big house to run and I want to enjoy myself while I still can. I choose not to give unless I get something in return.”
John Burr USA.
No I don’t agree, Charity does have the effect Christians want, it doesn’t make them lazy and it doesn’t make them poor.
When Christians give money to charities they are doing what Jesus wants and so making them more like Jesus.
Charities are there to help the poor and needy and to rid the world of poverty. It gets rid of their troubles. Charities are there to support the poor until they can stand on their own two feet.
Charities actually help. Money is invested into less economically developed countries and help increase ones individual wealth and therefore the countries too.
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinth
“I hate charity, but I depend on it and I am glad of it too.”
Benefited man. India
Charity like CAFOD helps others to help the poor to help themselves. A project like Christian AID is long-term, providing things that encourage a country to develop its own resources e.g. water Aid, drilling wells, animals and tools. Long-term provides training and education e.g. Burundi in New Guinea who trained in more efficient farming methods. All this gives incentive to help themselves. By helping others we are building up body of Christ. We must help those in need and not ignore them. We must also follow Jesus’ examples and teachings.