Choose two specific examples of problems faced by people in developing countries and explain how Christians might apply the beliefs you have identified to the problems.

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Choose two specific examples of problems faced by people in developing countries and explain how Christians might apply the beliefs you have identified to the problems.


        Developing countries are faced with many problems that most people in more economically developed countries wouldn’t think twice about. One of these problems is debt. Many 3rd world countries like India or Africa want to build schools, roads and various other buildings, they want to buy and spend more than they can afford with the money they’ve earned from exports. But when you borrow money you decide to pay it back over an allocated time period with interest. If you cant pay it back at the set time then you are said to be in debt. The IMF and the like lend money to countries with short or long term cash flow problems. In return, countries have to carry out economic reforms. Borrowers are called debtors and those who lend out money are creditors.  Most 3rd world debt is owed to the World Bank or the IMF. Very little is commercial. “What poor countries in Africa spend on debt repayment each year could save the lives of 3,000,000 children and prevent 1,000,000 cases of malnutrition.” This quote from UNDP Development report from 1997 just goes to show how unfair being in debt really is. To be true Christians the creditors should really let them have the money more freely and affordably.

        Another major problem is food. A high percentage of less economically developed countries have a high risk factor of dieing from disease. To stay healthy, humans need protein, carbohydrate, fat, minerals and vitamins. In poverty people may suffer from under nutrition or malnutrition. This makes the body weak and susceptible to disease. 48% of people in Cusco region are malnourished. 40,000,000 people die each year from hunger or diseases, 10,000,000 are children under 5. To rectify the problem of food shortage long-term aid is vital to ensure food security. One way of improving food supplies is to develop new crops. In Bolivia CAFOD supplied seeds for Desiree potatoes. These need less water, grow faster and give a higher yield. In Peru commodores have had a positive impact. They started as communal kitchens-saving money by sharing food and equipments. They now provide training and advice on nutrition. Here the poor help the poorest-although food is usually sold, it is free to people who cant pay. CAFOD give money for seeds, clean water, health services and teacher training to make famine less likely in future.  

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Every single day millions and millions of people in less economically developed countries go hungry, while people in more economically developed counties cram their faces with food. People in rich parts of the world take for granted what they have and although some people are aware of poverty they refuse to do anything about it. The total wealth of the worlds 225 richest people is equal to 2500,000,000 poor peoples annual income. The root cause for world poverty is human greed.

Matthew 25; ...

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