Choose two specific examples of problems faced by people in developing countries and explain how Christians might apply the beliefs you have identified to the problems.

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Essay 2

Choose two specific examples of problems faced by people in developing countries and explain how Christians might apply the beliefs you have identified to the problems.

Developing countries face many problems, from the local poverty to the country being in huge debt. Debts alone are a huge problem, and still only one that people in developing countries face. Their debts to the more developed countries are growing daily and Christians try their hardest to help. Their immediate aim is not to pay off these debts but to help those people to live a better life. Many if not most of the people in developing countries are living in poverty. Christians can organise fund raising so that people in these countries do not have to borrow more money, getting into greater debt. Charities raise money not to pay off the debt, but to buy tools and the equipment needed for those people to produce their own food, where previously they did not have the funds to do so. Paying off the debts of the developing countries does not provide immediate relief to those who really need it. Christian organisations work to build things such as water pumps, making it possible for the farmers to farm with sufficient yield to keep their themselves alive. Giving them independence, and something to work for. Providing hope, you could say was one of the Christian aims. The ultimate aim of course would be to remove poverty and debt in developing countries, improving the quality of life and saving lives in the process. This is only one of the problems that developing countries face.

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Groups such as ‘Christian Aid’ work to solve all of these problems. Each Christian organisation does however follow the same principal. The Ten Commandments state that you should ‘love thy neighbour’, those people living in poverty in developing countries are our neighbours, and we should help them just as much as we should help the person in need standing right next to us. there have been many movements to aid developing countries, one of which, slightly more know, is the ‘drop the debt’ movement. The aim of this movement was to put pressure on the government to drop the debts ...

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