When preparing for the celebration of the incarnation of Jesus, Christians practice many customs including burning an advent candle and opening an advent calendar. The candle is used to prepare for the incarnation of Jesus, because when lit each day, a bible reading accompanies it, this then preaches the Word of the Lord to others during the preparation, an advent calendar is used
as each day passes; another door is opened revealing Gospel teachings or a picture, of the preparation for the incarnation. This shows how the Catholic Church in its liturgy and teaching encourages the faithful to prepare appropriately for the celebration of festivals through the year. An important event was the Angel Gabriel announcing that Mary was to have the Son of God. In Mt1:21 it quotes “She will have a son, and you will name him Jesus-because he will save his people from their sins”. The beliefs that are shown through using the Advent candle and calendar is the preparation for Jesus is quoted in Lk1:3 “He will be called the Son of the Most High God”, this teaches Jesus is sent from our God. The Roman Catholic Church encourages others to prepare for Christmas and Easter through Advent and Lent, as “Advent” means “coming”.
During Christmas, we practice many customs including carol singing. This is used because it is a form of prayer, through singing
Carols we are praying to the Lord. Traditionally the money raised through carol singing is given to charity. This is significant because during the time of Christmas we are taught to share our joy and wealth to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. The C.C.C quotes “When the church celebrates the liturgy of advent each year, she makes present the ancient expectancy of the Messiah”. This quote is explaining that each year Christians wait in earnest for the celebration of the incarnation. When it finally comes around we must
Spread the word of the Lord to all. In Mt1:23 it quotes “A virgin will become pregnant and have a son, and he will be called Emmanuel”.
This quote is our belief, we prayer to the Lord of this belief through singing the carol “O come all ye faithful” and other carols.
The Epiphany is a very significant date in the catholic calendar because it is the celebration of the Magi visiting baby Jesus, which is showing of God as man in the flesh. In Mt2:11 “They brought out
their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and presented them to Jesus”. This event is very important as the Magi were gentiles, not Jews, so when these men saw Jesus it proved the Son of God had truly been born for all to see. The celebration of the Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th in the Catholic Church; Christians celebrate this day by attending mass, for Anglicans the feast lasts until 2nd February. This could be the case because it took several days for Jesus to be shown in Mary’s and Joseph’s home town -Nazareth. The Orthodox Church exchanges gifts on this day instead of Christmas day. This occurs because until the Magi visited Jesus only Jews had seen him, people from other lands had to see him to declare him truly incarnated amongst people. In the orthodox churches of Central Europe, they chalk “CMB” on the frames of their doors along with a cross. This is done to signify the names of the three wise men-Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar; the letters could also be the first letters of the phrase “Christus Mansionem Benedicat”. It is used to show that there are Christians living in the house.