Christian Marriage. Marriage is a channel in which two people are challenged to live out the expression of the church by the two baptized coming together to create a family unit through procreation.

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The Rite of Holy Matrimony is the union of a man and a woman in a life-long faithful relationship. Christianity as a community believes that marriage is a vocation from God to be united where the two become 'one flesh' and experience God's unconditional love. Parallels can be drawn between the union of a man and a woman to that of the love between Jesus and his church. Ephesians 5:25. This highlights the significance of the marriage ceremony for both the individual and the community of believers. Marriage is a channel in which two people are challenged to live out the expression of the church by the two baptized coming together to create a family unit through procreation. 'Be fruitful and multiply, fill the Earth and master it'. Genesis 1:28. From this, the continuation of Christianity by their offspring for the good of society at large and the two are able to experience the joys of parenthood.'From the beginning of Creation, God made male and female. For this reason, man shall leave his mother and his father and be joined with his wife and become on flesh and therefore for what God has joined, let no man separate.' Mark 10:6-9. This highlights the significance of Marriage in
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Christianity and therefore this conjugal covenant is regarded as a sacrament in Catholicism, Orthodoxy and for some high Anglicans. This is regarded as a holy state for Protestants. This is demonstrated through the joining of hands in Catholicism and the placing of Crowns in Orthodoxy. 'Marriage is a sacrament between a man and woman created themselves, a relationship for their whole life.' Catechism of the Catholic Church. This illustrates that it is everlasting for the individuals as they created it themselves. Ideologies from Vatican II said 'it is not only for the good of the couple but for the good ...

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