

Luke Warner

Christianity is the largest religion in the world. Dating back to about 2000 years. It has approximately 2.1 Billion followers from all over the world. Christianity also has many denominations, from Catholicism to Evangelism. But why has this religion got so many followers? And why does it remain to be the biggest religion on the entire planet? This essay will study Christianity, and why it is so enormous.

Christians believe in God, and the Holy Trinity (The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost). Another belief is that God created the Universe and World. The figure of Jesus Christ is the centre of Christianity. He is the Son of God, and he himself is God. Christians also believe that the only way for Salvation is through the belief in Jesus. Christians believe in church. Church can be understood as a local congregation of believers, or more generally the whole body of Christians. The sacraments are curtain acts of worship with special importance. While the Catholics recognise seven Sacraments, the Protestants only two, Baptism and Eucharist. At the Holy Communion Christians receive bread and wine, in the same way that Jesus told his Disciples at the Last Supper to remember him through the bread and wine. Christians hope to go to Heaven and dwell there in the presence of God forever.

Christianity originates from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea (Israel). Christians believe Jesus to be the Son of God, and the Messiah. As Jesus grew up, he taught people many guidelines. The story of Jesus’ life and teachings is contained in the New Testament, which is part of the Bible. Jesus was also thought to be a miracle maker. One story states that Jesus was preaching in a house to some people, when four men broke through the roof, and lowered their paralysed friend down. Jesus then said “Your sins are forgiven, now pick up your mat, and go!” It then says that the man got up, picked up the mat and left. There are many stories in the New Testament of Jesus creating miracles, and helping others. He often said “Love your Neighbour”. This meant be friendly to everyone, no matter who they are.

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Jesus also had 12 Disciples. They were all his most trustworthy followers, and they followed him everywhere. However, the Pharisees found him a threat to the mainstream Jewish Religion, and the Romans as a possible threat to their control. So one of Jesus’ Disciples, Judas, was bribed to betray Jesus so he told the Romans where Jesus was. So then Jesus was arrested, and sent for a trial. The Bible says that Pontius Pilate offered to release Jesus or a criminal, the Pharisees chose the criminal and so Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to death. So Jesus was put to ...

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