Christians believe that wealth is something which can be good or bad so it cant be classed as truly good or bad thing.

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Christians believe that wealth is something which can be good or bad so it cant be classed as truly good or bad thing. Christians believe the can only gain wealth in lawful or moral ways and when they eventually succeed their task in gaining wealth it is a gift from god. Many biblical teachings show that many people have the wrong attitude to wealth and can lead them astray and away form god.

Many Christians disapprove of making money through arms trade, sex industry or gambling because of many reasons.

'People who want to get rich fall into temptation trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and distraction ' from Timothy 6:9:10

Jesus warned many people of the dangers of gaining wealth and them becoming greedy. There is a well-known saying 'Homeless have it, Rich people don't want It and it's more powerful than god' its nothing it's based on gods teaching on wealth and poverty. Jesus perches that you should be your master and that money shouldn't be part of the way you run your life. From Mathew 6:24. Jesus tells us that we should only serve one master .The main order in this bit is saying you cannot serve both god and money this is saying that if you love money so much you cannot love god ass well this means you will live a hard life and go to hell.
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Jesus set us lots of examples of how we are meant to live for he lived in poverty himself and how he lived a wonderful life. Jesus fed 5000 from a small amount so why do we have to be greedy with our money to stay alive .He has also done many miracles to heal and help people. To come to the conclusion we shouldn't be greedy with our money and share.

Islam teaches that wealth is something given by god for the benefit of humanity and therefore is something to be shared. In Islam, sharing wealth ...

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