Christians should leave active rather contemplative lives

Warren John Niles, R.E., Mr McGowan, Coursework
‘Christians Should Lead Active Rather Contemplative Lives’
An active life is a life that involves Christians doing the work of God in the world.
A Contemplative life is a life that focuses on prayer and meditation of the word of God, that’s within an enclosed community.
Some Christians argue that Christians should lead an active life because: -
‘That in the early Christian Church the leaders had stressed that action had a lot of importance.’ The leaders are trying to emplace that the work of God has more importance than understanding the whole thing. ‘When Jesus chose his disciples, he chose them to go out to be actively involved within the world.’ This emplaces that Jesus wanted people to actively do the work of God and spread it fast and to everyone else, whilst in a contemplative life you would study in a enclosed environment allowing no one to no the word of God. ‘Vocation is a call to follow Jesus for a Christian. For much of Jesus’ ministry he was actively involved in helping others.’ This shows that the ministry did help and spread the word of God by travel and action. However today the Pope and his ministers, discuses and study the word of God, in an enclosed community. ‘Jesus taught the two main commandments are ‘love your neighbour and love God’ to illustrate of neighbour the parable of the God Samaritan-one individual loving another.’ This shows that God wanted us to act and help but not to sit and preach the preached words already but by studying in depth. In conclusion an active life would involve people caring and loving each other and spreading what we believe in God.