Christians use the Bible, the Churchs teaching and conscience to help them make decisions about personal moral issues. Define each of these terms. Explain why Christians should use each of them.
RE Coursework: Personal Morality
Question 1: Christians use the Bible, the Church’s teaching and conscience to help them make decisions about personal moral issues. Define each of these terms. Explain why Christians should use each of them.
Personal morality is based upon the person’s philosophy and principles to differentiate between right and wrong. Morals are created by influences in our lives, such as, family, friends, religion, education and social aspects.
Christians believe the bible is how God communicates with them. Through the bible God tells them what is right and wrong. They accept the Bible as the rule by which they will determine things. Therefore a Christian can be guided by the words of God through the book. ‘Do not commit murder’ and ‘Do not commit adultery’ are just two of the Ten Commandments recorded in the Book of Exodus, given to Moses by God. Christians live by these rules, they learn to recognise their dignity and rights as children of God. The bible also discusses many issues of personal morality, such as The Prodigal Son, through stories, it teaches Christians right and wrong, and so they are able to turn to the bible when they need help in certain issues of personal morality.