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‘CHRISTIANS WOULD NEVER AGREE WITH CAPITAL PUNISHMENT’ In my opinion, I think that Capital Punishment is only relevant if a serious crime is committed such as murder or terrorism as these cause a great deal of suffering towards other people, some who might not even have been involved. I also think that criminals should have the choice whether or not they want to die or would rather suffer a life sentence. However under some circumstances some crimes such as petty theft are more suited to less drastic punishments such as Reform although some Christians believe in justice so some might prefer it if a criminal served a life
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sentence. This is a form of punishment most Christians would choose for criminals. In Matthew 7:12 it says ‘So in everything do to others what you would have them do to you’, which I think means that you should treat everyone equally and that if you had committed the same crime would you want to die? Would you feel like you deserved it? Or would you rather stay in prison, hoping that eventually you would get out even though if you did, there might not be anyone that would want to help you make a new living, a fresh start. ...

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