Compare the reasons Native Americans and Hispanic Americans were discriminated against?
Compare the reasons Native Americans and Hispanic Americans were discriminated against?
- Economic
- Nativism
- Physical appearance
- Militancy
- Living conditions
- Attitude towards their US status
Discrimination against minorities was often to do with the economy. Discrimination often occurred in the workplace and immigrants were often blamed for economic problems. This was a particular problem for the Mexican Americans who were often discriminated against because of jobs whereas it was not such a problem for Native Americans who were not after jobs but trying to maintain their identity as Native Americans.
Most Mexican Americans came as workers as they were a cheap source of labour. White Americans felt that the great number of immigrant workers would put Americans out of work and also create lower wages which often resulted in discrimination towards the Hispanics. The racism increased at times of high unemployment due to rivalry for jobs. The depression also caused further discrimination as during this period many Hispanic Americans were unemployed and relied on federal aid. The whites saw Mexicans to be “economically parasitical” i.e a drain on money which did not make them popular. The situation with Native Americans was very different. They were also sometimes seen by white people as a drain on federal funds. The white people wanted the tribal land of the Native Americans which meant that the Native Americans were forced to live on reservations. Although conditions were poor, Native Americans were still dependent on federal aid, thus causing hostility and discrimination not only from the white people but towards them as well.