Demonstrate how art can make contrasting contributions to religious questions.

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Joe Brann                 Thursday, 06 March 2008

Demonstrate how art can make contrasting contributions to religious questions.

The Supper at Emmaus was one of Caravaggio later works when he had fully developed his style. Caravaggio was interested in portraying Jesus as a mortal man one reachable by everyone whether they are a priest or a sinner like Caravaggio rather than a supernatural, transcendent being that shines down upon those few good Christians. This painting shows Jesus after the resurrection revealing his identity to two disciples with whom he has spent all day, he does this by breaking the bread as he did at the last supper, it is very much about the power of the resurrection and holy communion . He doesn’t paint the conventional Jesus he paint him a little podgy with no beard and a different shaped face and numerous imperfections’ as a man with faults. He put Jesus in a dark and dingy room with the company of a common landlord, reaching to the common man which shows us that Caravaggio concerned about his eternal destiny. He was hoping that maybe God would be willing to forgive a sinner like himself.

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The Slave Ship by J. M. W. Turner was part of his effort in the  campaign against slavery, painted in 1840, 33 year after the abolition of slavery. It shows a slave ship where the slave owners  would throw the dead and dying human 'cargo' overboard during the  in the Atlantic Ocean in order that they might claim the insurance for 'drowning'. Turner was a romantic, Romanticism is a movement that rejects the traditional, formal religious answers to questions about life and instead says that it all lies in highest ideals such as nature and romantic love. They say ...

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