Jesus’ baptism was important because:
1. It illustrates the beginning of his ministry therefore a turning point in his life.
2. It revealed Jesus as the Son of God.
3. It marked the end of his old life and the talking on off a new role.
4. It showed his decision to do Gods work and his dedication to God.
Today baptism is still based on the baptism of Jesus and can occur when the person is an infant or an adult. When they are baptised as adults this is often referred to as believers baptism and when they as baptised as infants it is often referred to as a Christening.
Both ways have good reasons behind them. In believers baptism the person already believes in God and is ready to come in to that religion by there own choice and not there parents and godparents. In infant baptism the parents choose what religion there are going to be apart of and take their baptismal vows for them. In my opinion these are most important differences in the two different baptisms.
In a typical Christening service, there will be the baby, the parents, the Priest, the godparents together with members of the congregation. The Priest will take the baby and welcome him/her to the church. He will ask the parents and godparents if they are prepared to bring up the child in the Christian fait, helping the child to turn towards God and away from evil. They all agree together with the congregation. He will pray for the child, ask God’s blessing on the child, and will sprinkle water that has been blessed over the child. Sometimes the Priest will make the sign of the cross using water on the child’s forehead. Candles are sometimes lit and held by parents and godparents to signify God’s light for the child in his or her life.
When an adult is baptised, the person being baptised undertakes all the promises of commitment to God for him or herself. This would be normal practice in the Baptist church, which believes only adults should be baptised as they find it illogical to have a christening since the baby is not aware of what is going on.
All Christians believe that baptism is a sacrament; it is an outward symbol of something spiritual.
Because the effects of baptism are permanent it is a once only ceremony.
Roman Catholics and many Anglicans and Methodist believe very strongly in infant baptism.