Describing the Features of the Church of The Blessed Sacrament

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Graham Higgins

Describing the Features of the Church of The Blessed Sacrament

Description of the outside of the church

        The church consists of a tower and a longer shorter building joined together. The church is made mainly of red brick. The corners and windows of the church are decorated with white stone. Also along the top and bottom of the church is a white stone decoration. There are two main entrances to the church. One is under a Greek style pillared entrance with a triangular top. The other is in the side of the tower. Both entrances have two doors and are about eleven foot high by six foot wide when opened out. At the end of the shorter building furthest from the tower is a semi-circular protrusion with a domed roof, under this structure is the Sanctuary area of the church. Either side of the Greek style entrance are two sections that stick out from the wall a few feet. On top of these are two white stone statues. On the middle of the shorter part of the church above the Greek style entrance is a picture of a monstrance.

General Description of the inside of the church

        The church of the Blessed Sacrament is about One hundred foot long and fifty foot wide. The walls are painted white. About twelve foot in from either edge of the two lengths of the church there is a row of stone pillars that each supports an arch. Above these arches the wall extends upwards to from a higher part of ceiling than under the pillars. The floor is made of wood. The sanctuary area of the church is set back in a semi-circular recess. The sanctuary area is also raised above the normal floor level by about three steps. In from the pillars there are two columns of wooden pews numbering about fifty in total. Along the walls of the two long sides of the church are statues, crucifixes and 3D relief images.


        The altar is the focal point of the church and is in the most prominent position. It stands at about normal table height (three to four feet). The altar is made from a variety of different types of stone, but predominately marble. The top surface of the altar is flat and white, covered only by a white cloth. The edges of this white surface sport an intricate in and out pattern. The white surface is situated upon a base of dark marble. The dark marble is covered over by white marble to create five arches. Behind the main part of the altar are a gap and then two raised platforms. The Tabernacle sits upon the first of these. Both platforms have the same white surface as the altar, with the same in and out pattern around the edge.


        The Cupola is a dome supported by seven pillars that covers the altar area of this church. It is almost entirely decorative and is set in a semicircular recess in the back of the church. The Cupola is white and about fifteen to sixteen foot high. It is covered with decorative relief patterns, which are also in white. There is a ridge all around the bottom of the dome shape, below which is a band of exquisite mouldings that run the diameter of the Cupola. The inside of the dome is painted a light blue/ turquoise, other than this the inside is undecorated. The seven pillars that support the dome are made of white marble and have a darker base, which is also marble. The top of each pillar is flared, ornately decorated with carvings and made of the same white stone as the Cupola dome itself.

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        This is a two foot tall structure made from gold. It normally stands upon the altar. It’s base is rather like that of an elaborate candle stick. It starts being very wide, for support and then widens into a shaft. The structure is  ridged decoratively as the object flows upwards. About halfway up this shaft a small band of gold, about a inch wide, sticks out. Upon this are small decorative areas raised up in elipse shapes. Above this the pole continues for a short while and then merges with a disc shaped part of gold, ...

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