Discipleship for Christians Today

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Discipleship for Christians Today. Victoria Barry 11g

Christians today believe that the gospel is inspired by the word of God.  The gospel today is as relevant as it was two thousand years ago, therefore it has authority.

        Today we still need and have the same qualities as the early disciples did.  We still are committed to our faith, love and respect other, do good for others, have responsibility etcetera.   Jesus is a role model to us today as he was to many two thousand years ago.


Though most of us try hard to be a true disciples and follower of God, it is very difficult because of the many challenges facing us.  Technology has advanced since the time of Jesus and so life is better that it ever was.  More money, possessions, and a high status keep many people back from being true disciples of God.  Today we are judged on how we look and what we have.  But we are mistaken.  Jesus said to the rich young man, “you need only one thing.  Go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven, then come and follow me.”

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People do try to do this but don’t succeed due to the challenges of this material world in which we live.  Though this is not the case for all.  Many modern day examples did do this and lived by the gospel values.  For example Mother Teresa.  She voluntarily chose to go to Calcutta and work there with the needy.  In mark’s gospel we are told to love one another as I have loved you and this is what she is doing.  She gave the people love, care and compassion.   She did what Jesus taught which was giving her ...

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