Does the present treatment of Women reflect the mind of Jesus.

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Asha Chhaya 10m                                                                                             13/05/03

Does the present treatment of Women reflect the mind of Jesus?

Christians try to follow the example of Jesus. In my essay I have been asked to investigate if the present treatment of women does not reflect the mind of Jesus. This is a difficult question to answer because different churches have different views of this issue but this is an important issue because churches oppose to discrimination and of what is going on in the secular world, churches don’t want to be guilty of discrimination.

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       There are ways in which discrimination against women is being challenged in churches today. In November 1992 it was decided that women were allowed to be ordained for the first time. The Church of England does now ordain women priests.

       Other people have tried to challenge the languages Christians use. They should use inclusive language. They should say ‘Children of God’ instead of ‘Son of God’, ‘Humankind’ instead of ‘mankind’ and ‘Neighbour’ not ‘Brother’ so that there is no sexism.  

       At the same time there is evidence of discrimination against ...

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