2.1 Reasons for the issue
2.1.1 First reason
One of the reasons for supporting euthanasia is so that the person, who is suffering, has a right to decide what they would like to do with the time they have left. If they are in that much pain, then it is right to let them put an end to the suffering. If there is that option to stop the pain, why not take it.
- Second reason
Not only letting sick people prolong their life, is not fair to the victim because they are in pain, it is very expensive not only for the family but the hospital to keep them alive. If someone is very ill they will have to have numerous trips for the hospital or might even have stay there for the remainder of their time, and this can be very expensive. If they want to be at rest, what is the point of wasting money on someone who is going to die anyway when u could spend it on someone who could be cured.
- Third reason
Watching someone you love, that is ill, is the worst feeling in the world. If a family member or close friend is desperately ill, and u have to see them day after day suffering, you would want the suffering to end! So If Euthanasia is an option it would painlessly put them to death. Even though u would miss them, you could know they aren’t in pain anymore.
- Reasons against the issue
- First reason
Many religious groups including the Catholics are strongly against Euthanasia but so are, many ordinary people. Mainly because it involves taking a human life. It gives someone a doctor or family member the power to destroy a human life. It is murder and suicide all in one. How can that be a good thing for anyone?
2.2.2 Second reason
Everyone has the right to make their own decisions about life and death, but what if the victim feels pressured into Euthanasia. That is murder also. The doctor might be to strong about the topic of Dying and death and might pressure the patient into feeling like they should end there life.
2.2.3 Third reason
Another reason that might is arise is that Euthanasia is preformed on patients that are in numerous amounts of pain and terminal illnesses. But what is a patient in a lot of pain is possible of a cure, is they don’t know when the pain will stop and that just put them to death. That is taking a human life that could be cured.
- Statement by the Church on Euthanasia
The Catholic Church believes that the life we are living does not belong to us, but to God to give it to us. It believes that we have no right to terminate life because we are terminally ill and in pain. They condemn active euthanasia as murder; therefore, it is classified as mortal sin. That God has supreme dominion over his creatures and that there is a purpose for human suffering. In the New Testament of the bible the words “Thou shalt not kill” is reflected on in such passages as Mat. 5:21, 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rom. 13:9.
- further discussion of the church's positon-explain WHY the church holds the position it does regarding the issue you are researching
The Catholic Church base their opposition on this. In The Bible, the authors do not appear to consider suicide to be a great moral sin. The act of committing suicide or of asking that God kill them are simply reported in a factual manner. The authors do not interpret these acts as sinful. They seem to be regarded simply as straightforward personal decisions. However, the Christian church has traditionally deviated from the biblical message and has considered suicide to be a great moral sin. Some priests have even refused to bury people who have committed suicide. Finally a quote from the Catholic Church… “The concept that death will bring an end to suffering is wrong. Earthly suffering and pain may be, but death will also bring man to the judgment seat of God. There is going to be more unimaginable pain and suffering in eternal hell or eternal joy with God. For those who choose to end their lives by euthanasia, let them think about this.”
Euthanasia is self murder by another name. Those who assist a person to end their life are an accessory to that murder or murderers themselves. There is no dignity in dying as an escape from pain and suffering. For a Christian, there is dignity in dying though in pain, showing faith in God and looking forward to the peace with God.