Trying to explain life after death is important to many people, typically for two reasons; a) It has a major influence on life now, especially on people’s behaviour and actions within their everyday life; and b) it could provide proof on whether or not God exists, and which religion is right.
The general Christian view on life after death is that human souls go on for eternity to a place of happiness or torment, heaven and hell respectively, and this is part of their faith. Most Christians believe the soul to be the immortal essence of a human, and that after death, the soul is either rewarded or punished i.e. judged. Whether this reward or punishment is contingent upon doing good deeds, or merely upon believing in God and Jesus, is the topic of discussion among different Christian groups.
Some books of the Bible appear to deny the existence of the afterlife, "The dead cannot praise the Lord, nor any who go down into silence." Psalms 115:17
Christian eschatology believes that the immortal soul experiences a particular judgment after death, whilst separate from the body. The particular judgment is followed by residing either in the presence of God or in Hell, where the soul is consciously subject either to happiness or torment respectively.
Heaven is eternal life with God, paradise, and only those free from sins and whom have led a “good” life can join God in heaven.
Hell is a place of eternal damnation and torment. It is punishment for sins you have committed and for leading a “bad/evil” life. The existence of hell is generally considered a matter of fundamental Christian faith.
Belief in life after death of the body, according to Christian eschatology, also usually includes belief in an intermediate state. Roman Catholics include purgatory and limbo within life after death. They believe that purgatory is a place where those who have died in a state of grace undergo limited torment to amend their sins. Once you have been cleansed of your sins you can join God in paradise (heaven). Purgatory it is not eternal, and you have hope to join God in heaven.
Limbo literally means “hem” or “border” and it is the permanent place or state of those unbaptized children and others who die without personal sin as they are too young or too innocent to understand sin i.e. it is the border between realms, as you have not sinned you cannot go to hell, but as you have not been baptized or recognise God as your Lord you cannot join him in heaven. Limbo is said to be a place of happiness.
Christians also believe in the Final Judgement, which is the time when the world is ending and God will judge everyone, both living and dead.