Explain how a Hindu marriage service might guide a couple in their married life?

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Jonathan Dushyanthan 10P

Explain how a Hindu marriage service might guide a couple in their married life?

Most Hindus believe that marriage is an important duty for men and women. In the Hindu Society, a marriage does not just join together, but they bring two extended families. Most Hindu weddings take place at a time carefully chosen. There are many preparations before the wedding, such as cooking food, hosting parties for bride and grooms.  Some traditional Hindu weddings takes place in the home of the bride, but modern Hindu weddings are often take place in hired halls so that enough guests can be accommodated, and a small altar is set up in the middle. The bride and her families wait in the hall to welcome the groom and his families. The priest and the two families will say the blessings and they join the couple’s hands. The priest lights a sacred fire in honour of the god Agni, and recites the mantras, in the holy language of Sanskrit, the groom repeats the mantras which asks for marriage to be blessed with children. The couple exchanges garlands as a gesture of acceptance of one another and a pledge to respect one another as partners. The groom applies a small dot of powdered red lead, to the bride’s forehead and welcomes her as his partner for life. The end of the bride’s sari is tied to her new husband’s scarf, this symbolises that they are joined together. Traditionally, the bride places her foot on a stone, this symbolises her willingness to perform her duties as a wife and to use all her strength to try to overcome any problems the couple might have. The couple walks seven steps around the sacred fire, with the groom’s right hand on the shoulder, and every step a prayer is said for a special blessing: for food, for strength, for wealth, for wisdom and happiness, for children, for good health, and for friendship. The groom’s family help him to make offerings of barley to the fire, and the guests and priest bless the couple with good wishes for a long happy marriage with children and grandchildren. These wedding rituals symbolises that in Hinduism, marriage is for life. The husband and wife have duties to perform towards one another, and have the support of the whole community.

“Divorce is never the best way to solve problems with a marriage.”

Most traditional Hindus think that marriage is for life, once a couple is joined together in the wedding ceremony, they cannot be divorced, However most modern Hindus accepts that marriage does not always work, and divorce do happen. They think that it is the best way to solve marriage problems, for example men are encouraged to divorce their wives, if they produce a girl instead of a boy, or when they have not produced a son within acceptable length of time. In Hinduism divorce happens when the dharma of the couple have not been fulfilled, because according to the doctrine everyone his or her own dharma to follow, and the dharma of the husband is different to the dharma of the wife. It is a necessary duty, part of Hindu dharma, which once accepted should be upheld by both parties throughout this lives. Marriage is a sacred bond, which cannot be dissolved through divorce. I agree to the quote “Divorce is never the best way to solve problems with a marriage.” Because of what the dharma does to the couple’s marriage as unified bond  

Describe Hindu beliefs about divorce?

Hindu civil code permits divorce on certain grounds. But the religion as such does not approve divorce. Divorce is a modern practice introduce in Hindu society through civil laws to protect the rights of both men and women that are guaranteed in the Indian constitutions. Most traditional Hindus believe that divorce is wrong because they think that divorce will get them a bad karma. They teach that marriage is for life. Once a couple has been joined together in the wedding ceremony, they cannot be divorced. There are much less common divorces amongst the Brahmins (the upper cast). There are many social pressures that discourage it. However in practice it is accepted that marriage does not always work and separation and divorce do happen. In particular men are encouraged to divorce there wives, if they produce a girl instead of a boy, or when they have not produced a son within acceptable length of time. Divorce is easier for Hindus of a lower cast. A Hindu woman who is unpopular with her husband and his family or who has been unable to produce children is often regarded as a disgrace. She will be send back to her father or brothers, who will often try to find a second marriage for her. Because of the social stigma attached to divorce. Many Hindu couple prefer to stay together even though they dislike each other. People who got caught in premarital relationships have to deal with a lot of social ridicule at public disgrace such as Divorce. Most Hindus believe that marriage is a secret relationship and that cannot be dissolve with divorce.

Hindu beliefs about birth control

Most traditional Hindus believe that birth control is against the religion. Children born to families in India had a high chance of dying in infancy. Because of very high mortality rates in India, Hindu families have traditionally had many children. Hindus see many sons as a sign of blessing and they also ensure that there are enough people to provide a work force. Some Hindu sacred texts encourage people not to limit the number of children they have and so it was much more common for Hindus to fear being childless than to be concerned about having too many children. Some Hindu scriptures include advice on what a couple should do to promote conception – and in this way provide contraceptive advice to those who want it. However, most Hindus accept that there is a duty to have a family during the householder stage of life, and so are unlikely to use contraception to avoid having children altogether. it is also seen as a sign of great pleasant for a family to have many sons and therefore, it is quite common for there to be as many as eight or ten children in a family , although not all of them would survive to become adults. Most Hindus believe birth control should be used in modern time the situation has changed. In general people have better food and better access to medical care and immunisation, and, as a result of this a higher proportion of children reach adulthood. World population has risen dramatically, and population of India has gone faster than that of many other countries. The Indian government has encouraged people to use contraception and limit their family to two or three children, and Hinduism does not object to this policy. Many modern Hindus use some form of birth control, although there is still an immense amount of pressure to produce sons, and so a couple with daughters is likely to want to keep on having children until at least one son is born.

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Hindu belief about sex before marriage

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