Explain how both individual and institutional racism have an impact on service provision and the experiences of people receiving services. How can care workers and the organisations which they work for demonstrate a commitment to combating racism?

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Explain how both individual and institutional racism have an impact on service provision and the experiences of people receiving services. How can care workers and the organisations which they work for demonstrate a commitment to combating racism?

Collins national dictionary defines racism as an "animosity shown to peoples of a different race" (Collins, p396)

In this essay I shall use relevant materials to explain why individual and institutional racism have an impact on people using care services and on the service provided. I will look firstly at racism as a whole and discuss what it is. Using the literature and case studies I will explore how care workers and the organisations for which they work can operate to combat racism.

Racism is prejudice and discrimination and happens when people believe there is one race or culture that is better than others. One example is when British people believe that they are superior to people from a different country.

One symptom or racism could be stereotyping, where people generalise between a group of people who look the same or are of the same age. This stereotyping is present in the Gypsies scenario (AC3, side1, part 1) where the midwife calls round and sees that the gypsy family apparently have no amenities for their child, whereas in fact they are just tidy and have put the child's things away so as not to damage them. The midwife presumed that because they were gypsies that they would live like the stereotypical gypsy family.

Thompson's personal, cultural and structural model (PCS) (unit 11, p104) suggests that there are three levels of racism. The personal level relates to one to one encounters where the level of influence from other people is very high, this is also known as individual racism. This is where a person uses racist remarks or jokes to offend another person. These attacks on a person can lead to someone getting hurt or even killed. The cultural stage where the influence is not so high is where common beliefs and the way people act label groups of people from an ethic origin. 'Prejudices about the abilities and lifestyles of black and Asian doctors were commonplace among white colleagues' (Carvel, 2001). Prejudice happens when people judge others before they meet or get to know them, and to discriminate is when a person is selected from a group because of their skin colour, religion or age etc. "Racism in general terms consists of conduct or words or practices which disadvantage or advantage people because of their colour, culture, or ethnic origin. In its more subtle form it is as damaging as in its overt form."(Macpherson report, 1999) The structural stage otherwise known as institutional racism, according to Thompson, involves a very low level of influence.
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Racism occurs in care homes such as residential homes: "For black communities, residential care has not only been unequal and inappropriate, but inaccessible and unavailable." (Reader, p91) Institutional racism is apparent when a company or organisation fails to provide a service due to a persons colour, culture or ethnic origin. An example of this is Lorna not being placed within a family that would reflect her culture or heritage. (unit 11, p77) 'On one occasion Lorna asked to have her hair braided' yet the services were set up for a white middle class environment, the home where Lorna ...

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