rest as it was for God but they each celebrate the Sabbath in a different way, The Church of England has a Eucharist, similar to the Catholic church, the Catholic church has mass every Sunday, the Methodist church has a service of bible readings and sung hymns
and the Evangelical church has praise and worship in a celebration mass. Sunday is the
day of rest in all denominations but mass is treated differently in each denomination. This might be because some Christian denominations don’t agree with Jesus’ laid back image of how the Sabbath should be celebrated to the same extent that other Christian denominations do, or they are trying to be more modernised and less strict than the founding Church of Catholicism.
Despite all this, Sunday remains the main day of worship. All Christians
believe that some work is necessary, however Sunday is still a day of rest. I’m sure that if God on his day of rest saw suffering on his new world, he wouldn’t have sat down and watched, he would have tried to help. And I think that is the view that all Christians should take on the Sabbath, treat it how God would treat it.
A Christian could use Mark’s gospel to explain why it is necessary to go to mass every Sunday because it shows quite clearly that Jesus prayed and taught on the Sabbath and as Christians, we should try to live our life in Jesus’ footsteps. Other Christian denominations believe that it is more important to do good deeds than to follow rituals, they can justify this by reading (Mark 3:1-6) In this reference Jesus is in the synagogue with his disciples, some Pharisees and a man with a withered hand, the Pharisees are waiting for Jesus to heal the man so that they can criticise him. But Jesus says to them “Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath days, or to do evil? To save life, or to kill?” This shows that even though practicing faith is important, doing good is just as religious.
In some cases it is okay for Christians to do things that would be forbidden by The Pharisees. Also people working for the emergency services are allowed to miss mass on a Sunday, for Jesus did say that ‘the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath’ which means that the Sabbath is not a rule and incase of emergency, you must forget the Sabbath and do what you can to help people.
In conclusion, I think that Jesus’ teachings has taught us Christians to celebrate mass in a different manner and he has given us a whole new perspective on the Sabbath than we might have if Jesus was never born. This is why I believe that Jesus revolutionised the Sabbath with his views on the restrictions of this holy day and this could have also affected how people now have the freedom to express their views in modern times without risk of being punished.