Explain how rituals and values connected with Christian marriage ceremonies might influence the differing ways that couples approach marriage and breakdown

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Explain how rituals and values connected with Christian marriage ceremonies might influence the differing ways that couples approach marriage and breakdown

Often in the Christian church people attend marriage preparation classes so they can go through what they would have to do in church. This is often useful because it can help to stop people suddenly deciding to run away because of pressure or stress. I think many of the vows connected with are often daunting because of the way they are said or written and this can put couples off getting married. For example ‘till death do us part’ could be seen as daunting because even if they want to leave each other they cannot because of these vows they took. So marriage classes can be useful to the way couples approach marriage.

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        The rituals and values that are associated with marriage could influence the way couples think about marriage, as they will think of it as something special and will prepare for it very well because they want it to go perfect. Also the fact that the ring is supposed to be an unbroken circle of love between the couple, this can also make them change their attitude towards the break up of their marriage this is because the ring also reminds them of their vows which they are supposed to stick by until they die.

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