Explain The Alternative View To Virtue Ethics

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Explain The Alternative View To Virtue Ethics

Virtue theory is the view that the foundation of morality is the development of good character traits, or virtues. A person is good, then, if he has virtues and lacks vices. Some virtue theorists mention as many as 100 virtuous character traits, which contribute to making someone a good person.

Virtue theory places special emphasis on moral education since virtuous character traits are developed in one's youth; adults, therefore, are responsible for instilling virtues in the young. The failure to properly develop virtuous character traits will result in the agent acquiring vices or bad character traits instead. Vices include cowardice, insensibility, injustice, and vanity.

Virtue ethics says that it is not only important to do the right thing, but also to have the required dispositions, motivations, and emotions in being good and doing right. We should enjoy doing good because we are good. It isn’t only about action but also about emotions, character, and moral habits.

The virtues are Excellencies of character. Traditionally, they have been divided into two types: moral and nonmoral virtues. Moral ones being; honesty, benevolence, non-malevolence, fairness, kindness, conscientiousness and others like that… Nonmoral virtues being; courage, optimism, rationality, self-control, patience, endurance and so on…

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The exact classification of various virtues is debatable. The nonmoral virtues generally are considered as contributing to the moral life but also as more easily expropriated for immoral purposes.

Even though most of the virtue systems don’t deny that there are principles of action that serve as action guidelines. These entities are not the essence of morality. Likewise, even though it is sometimes appropriate to reason about what to do, such deliberating should also give significant attention to feelings such as sympathy and loyalty. The exemplar model of virtue ethics comes into focus in two different ways; either through an ...

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